Choosing Ostomy Surgery

Before I got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, I had zero health issues throughout my life, except for high blood pressure. Fast forward to age 26 and I started experiencing a lot of blood in my stool with no idea why. I can be a stubborn person so I didn’t tell anyone what was happening; not even the people closest to me. A few months went by and my mother noticed blood in the toilet pretty consistently and asked me about it. I told her that it had been going on for months and that I didn’t know why.

We ended up going to our local gastroenterologist and they did tests and I got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Obviously, I had no idea what it was but he said that I would need to change my diet and to watch what I eat. Fast forward a year or more and I had already been through two GIs and I was being sent to another. They said that I had a very severe case of ulcerative colitis. Meanwhile, around two years in I lost the ability to be able to hold my bowels in for longer than a few seconds. I was miserable, had lost a lot of weight, and also a lot of “friends”. This was also all happening during the COVID pandemic so I wasn’t able to see my doctors in person.

The final year before I got surgery I had lost 40-50 pounds, had been to the emergency department  countless times, as well as hospitalized 3-4 times. I ended up being super anemic and needed iron infusions as well as one blood infusion. That last year was the final straw. The summer of 2021 I ended up losing my bowels on myself 40+ times on my 20-minute drive home from work. I told my boss I couldn’t work anymore and that’s when I first heard about ostomies and started researching. I didn’t know what an ostomy bag was before then but after joining a subreddit on Reddit called r/Ostomy I started to see that an ostomy was the answer to my problem.

I went to my GI and told him that I’m done trying medicine, I’m done not being able to go out and experience life, I’m done with prednisone (which was wrecking my body), and  I’m done being physically, mentally, and spiritually drained. I was completely broken. He said that all he could do was refer me to a surgeon. I arrived at the surgeon’s office begging him for surgery and he said “I’ve never had a patient come into my office practically begging me for surgery, so yes we can do it.”

Getting an ostomy completely changed my life but I didn’t let it completely change me.

Two months later I was walking in for a total colectomy and a placement of a stoma. I was afraid but I knew I couldn’t keep living the way I was. So February 21 of 2022 I got Stoma Steve. It only took a few weeks to know that I made the right decision. I felt better immediately. Luckily, I had a lot of help between my spirituality, my support network, my family, the subreddit r/Ostomy, and the surgeon’s office. I couldn’t have done it alone.

I didn’t want to mention this because I didn’t want it to be a focal point of my story, but at the time of my surgery I had over 5+ years clean from ALL mood or mind-altering chemicals so I didn’t go home from the hospital with any medicine besides Tylenol. Honestly, the recovery wasn’t bad but only a short few months after I developed a prolapse of my stoma. It was a big one but it wasn’t affecting my daily life (besides the anxiety it caused me) so they opted to wait to fix it until I decided whether or not I wanted to keep the stoma forever or get a reversal.

I want to be able to share with people that just because I have something like an ostomy doesn’t mean I can’t do the things I love. Being a bright light in a horrible disease is a blessing for me.

I researched reversals and with the help of family decided that I was going to keep the ostomy bag. So on January 10th of 2023 I got my rectum and anus removed and they fixed my stoma prolapse. Again, the recovery wasn’t bad but this time the hospital stay was horrible. I ended up getting straight cathed three times, I had an NG tube placed because Stoma Steve wasn’t pushing food out and my drain was bothering me for the month I had it. Again, I can’t thank the subreddit r/Ostomy enough because they were who I vented to and talked to for help and coping strategies because no one in my life except them knew what I was going through.

My Ostomy bag and stoma has saved my life. This year has been one of the best years of my life. I explored nature, started exercising, running/walking 5ks, fishing more, cycling, and many other things. I’m a Patient Care Technician in the Behavioral Health Unit in my local hospital. I love being able to help people on a daily basis. Being able to fulfill my purpose; which is helping other people, brings me joy daily. That is why I want to share my story.

I did no know about UOAA until I became interested in wanting to share my story and researched how to get involved with advocacy and sharing about ostomies. I would love to do the Run for Resilience Ostomy 5K on World Ostomy Day this year and get more involved with the UOAA community.

Getting an ostomy completely changed my life but I didn’t let it completely change me. A lot of people don’t understand why I’m so positive and happy most of the time. It is because I have been through a lot in my short 30 years of life and I don’t want to let the bad things outweigh the good things. I want to be able to share with people that just because I have something like an ostomy doesn’t mean I can’t do the things I love. Being a bright light in a horrible disease is a blessing for me.

Thank you for reading!!

By Sarah Biggart (Convatec me+™)

Frequently I speak to callers about the challenges of caring for an ostomate with memory loss. Often time, people who were previously self-sufficient, independent ostomates become pre-occupied with their pouch; sometimes even pulling on it, which could cause numerous issues1,2.

This could be in the future for some of us, and a reality some caregivers are facing now as they care for and support loved ones.

If you are assisting a loved one, and you see them tugging, pulling, scratching or playing with their appliance, the first thing you should consider is that there may be a reason for this behavior. Their peristomal skin may be itching or burning, or they might be experiencing pain or discomfort around the stoma3. For someone who may have trouble communicating, this could be their way of letting you know something is wrong.

If this is a new behavior, contact your local ostomy nurse or healthcare provider. It’s important to rule out any medical issues they may be experiencing.

If the issue is determined to be purely behavioral, we have some suggested tips and tricks that may help as you care for and support your loved one.

Pouch Change Tips1,2,3:

  • Create a safe, relaxed environment. Take your cues from your loved one considering where they are the most comfortable. Maybe instead of standing in the bathroom, try laying down on the bed with soothing music or a favorite show playing in the background.
  • If evenings can be tough, a morning pouch change before eating breakfast may make more sense for you.
  • Keep ostomy supplies organized and clearly labeled for people who may be able to handle pouch changes independently or for rotating caregivers.
  • Use a calendar or the My Ostomy Journey App to track pouch changes. Do not wait until there is a leak to change the pouch. A leaking pouch may contribute to skin breakdown issues.
  • It may be necessary to store pastes, powders and sprays securely, as patients may attempt to tamper with or ingest these items.
  • Try ostomy accessories designed to simplify pouch changes.

Daily Living Tips1,2,3:

  • Many people with memory loss find comfort in routine. Find a rhythm to ostomy related tasks, such as emptying the pouch, and use the same verbiage each time to bring familiarity. Coordinate with the entire care team to ensure everyone is aligned with using similar language and prompts.
  • Staying occupied may help with keeping hands away from the pouching system. Things like puzzles, sorting items and folding something, may be just the thing to help.
  • Try an Ostomy wrap. Employing the “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” principal, a wrap helps to keep the pouch concealed and supported. A good ostomy wrap is made from a soft and stretchy wicking fabric and helps to keep sweat and moisture away from the skin and the wearer cool and comfortable.

Feeling isolated while providing care for loved ones is a common challenge, we encourage utilizing groups for ostomy support.

And remember that caregivers need care too. You may find comfort in your local Ostomy Support group Find one near you on the UOAA support group finder:


Ruth and her family were confused and stressed when they had to take on the care of their 99-year- old mother’s ostomy.

“My mother has had a colostomy for nearly 60 years. She is now 99 years old with dementia, but had been independently keeping up with her stoma and pouch until just a few years ago. When family members started taking on the task of assisting her, we had to scramble to get up-to-speed since we never paid attention to the details of changing her “appliance” or emptying and re-closing the pouch.”

Ruth connected with me+™ to learn more about how to use ostomy products and accessories, and received follow up product samples and ongoing support.

“Erica was compassionate, truly listened to the problems we were encountering with my mother’s situation, and suggested products that addressed each of those challenges. The bottom line is Erica made me feel supported in my mother’s care, and that she cared that our family wanted my mother’s quality of life upheld when other healthcare providers wrote her off due to her age and mental condition. Erica contributed to us honoring my mother’s wonderfully rich and productive life at a time when that’s not evident to a stranger’s eye. We are so grateful for the support we’ve received through Convatec’s me+ Clinical Support Nurse Team.”


If you have questions about product sampling or nurse support available through the me+™ program, please contact us at 1-800-422-2211 or  We look forward to helping you soon.

Editor’s note: This blog is from one of our digital sponsors, Convatec. Sponsor support along with donations from readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


  1. DementiaUK, Caring for a person with a Stoma and Dementia. Accessed November 13th, 2023.
  2. United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc, Dementia Stoma Care. Accessed November 13th, 2023.
  3. McGrogan M. How holistic assessment and appropriate product selection will enhance quality of life for ostomates with cognitive impairment. WCET® Journal 2021;41(1):33-35

Sleep is vital for health and healing. Hormones released at night are responsible for cell growth and repair. We also need quality sleep for healthy cognitive functioning and so we can complete everyday tasks. A lack of sleep can lead to confusion, delayed healing, immunosuppression, elevated blood pressure, decreased pain tolerance, and many other negative effects.

If you have an ostomy, your quality of life may be impacted by the condition of the skin around your stoma (i.e., your peristomal skin), and issues like pouch ballooning and leakage. One area often not given much attention is how having an ostomy affects your sleep. Based on anecdotal evidence (i.e., clinician experiences and patient stories), we know that living with an ostomy can negatively impact sleep. But to what extent?

Ostomy Sleep Survey

To answer this question, Hollister Incorporated conducted an Ostomy Sleep Survey1. The results revealed some interesting insights on how having a stoma impacts sleep and on how ostomates address their sleep issues.

To conduct this research, we collaborated with product distributors and patient organizations to provide nearly 6,000 people with a detailed 15-question online survey. Participants varied in type of ostomy and length of time living with an ostomy.

The survey included both those with healthy and unhealthy/compromised peristomal skin. Nearly 60% of participants were in the unhealthy category, although most of them (40%) reported only reddened skin and no other symptoms. (n=5,690)

The impact of sleeping with an ostomy

Many people experience interrupted sleep for various reasons, including insomnia, sleep apnea, stress, and environmental factors. However, those with an ostomy have an added layer of potential sleep disruption.

The survey results provided strong evidence of an ostomy’s impact on sleep:

  • Nearly 50% of respondents said their pouching system disrupted their sleep in the past 30 days (n=5,648)
  • 75% experienced pouch-related sleep disruptions at least once a week (n=2,476)
  • 64% of participants — nearly 2 in 3 — cited pouch ballooning as a sleep disrupter (n=2,676)
  • 50% said that sleep disruption was due to pouch leakage or worry that the pouch would fail (n=2,676)
  • Nearly 20% said their sleep was disrupted by itchy skin with no visible sign of irritation (n=2,676)

To read more about the data collected and how to address sleep disruptions, keep reading here.

  1. Hollister Data on File, ref-02989, 2022.

This article was contributed by Hollister Incorporated. Hollister Incorporated is a proud sponsor of United Ostomy Associations of America and dedicated to delivering the highest standard of quality in ostomy care products. For more helpful resources, visit

Please make sure to consult with your healthcare professional for further guidance and instruction. The information provided herein is not medical advice and is not intended to substitute for the advice of your personal physician or other healthcare provider. Hollister is a trademark of Hollister Incorporated.

Having lived with Crohn’s disease for 43 years, and an ostomy for 35, Lori Plung had known it was possible she would go on to develop Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS). Eight years ago, following her fifth surgery, SBS and the need for intravenous nutrition (TPN) became a reality.

In recognition of Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week (1-7 December 2023), Lori generously shares some of her experiences, and the advice she’d give to anyone grappling with complexities of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who may be facing the possibility of developing SBS as a result of surgical procedures to treat their disease.

Learning to live with Crohn’s and an ostomy

When I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at 16 years old, the thought of having to have “a bag” was, quite frankly, terrifying. But at the age of 24, the disease overtook my entire being. I had debilitating pain, cramps, bloody diarrhea and urgency, and I was up multiple times a night – I often couldn’t leave my house for fear of an accident. I was too sick to eat and had no energy.

Eventually I needed an emergency proctocolectomy. My colon, rectum, and terminal ileum were removed, and replaced with a permanent ileostomy. I had been so sick before surgery that I was very weak, and recovery was incredibly hard.

But what surprised me most? The feeling of relief. I was free! As I recovered from the procedure, my pain and symptoms were gone. Suddenly, I could eat what I wanted, and I started feeling back to myself. My quality of life improved and my stoma became my new best friend.

Though I was grateful for this new lease on life, it came with challenges. The Crohn’s disease returned a year later in my small bowel, presenting as multiple strictures and obstructions. I was now navigating flares with an ostomy, often experiencing high output which required supplemental outpatient intravenous hydration, magnesium, and potassium to get my levels back to normal.

What is Short Bowel Syndrome?

Five more surgeries followed in the span of 32 years, with the intention of saving as much bowel as possible. I heard mumbles of avoiding “short gut”, but nobody sat down and explained what that meant. I wish I’d known more about it sooner.

Short gut, also known as Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS), occurs when your bowel doesn’t have enough length to absorb the nutrition and hydration your body needs on its own. In most cases, it happens as a result of major surgical resection of the small intestine, necessitated by conditions like Crohn’s and colitis. For a patient like me, with only 69cm of intestine remaining, intravenous nutrition and hydration support is needed to keep my body functioning properly. This is known as Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).

Coming to terms with a new normal

TPN nourishes my body with the nutrients it’s not capable of absorbing on its own. It’s delivered via a Hickman catheter in the upper left part of my chest, infusing through a pump stored in a backpack while I sleep.

Coming to terms with that wasn’t easy for me. I’d been on TPN before surgery to increase my nutritional status, and I assumed I would be off it at some point during my recovery. But with the SBS diagnosis, that was unlikely to happen. I had a very hard time accepting the fact that I would have to live with a central line for the rest of my life.

Therapy has been invaluable in helping me learn how to cope and accept. I learned that I can dislike having to hook into my TPN each night, and at the same time, I can be grateful for it, and for the life it allows me to lead. These two truths can co-exist together – and that way of thinking has helped me to accept my new normal.


I’m also hopeful that I can reduce my reliance on TPN over time. For patients like me, the goal of SBS management is to increase valuable time off TPN through intestinal rehabilitation. This uses approaches including diet, medications, and surgery to help the remaining GI tract work better so that it can absorb more nutrients from eating. Not all SBS patients are the same, so it’s important to understand each individual’s needs and explore the best options.

It’s also crucial to have the support of a medical team that specializes in IBD and intestinal rehab. Since my SBS diagnosis, I was careful to choose a multidisciplinary team at an academic medical center that is part of the Gastroenterology Rehabilitation and Transplant Program. My physician is an IBD specialist and the director of the nutrition support program, and I’ve worked closely with a dietitian who specializes in treating patients with SBS. Their support has been life-changing.

Need to Know

Having spent over 40 years navigating the complex journey from Crohn’s to SBS, I am now an advocate for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Here are some of the most important things I think patients should know when managing their own condition:

  • Preserving Bowel
    As a Crohn’s patient, it’s important to be aware of potential complications of surgery, and the possibility that losing large sections of small bowel can lead to SBS. Make sure to discuss this with your healthcare team before surgery, and wherever possible, look for ways of minimizing bowel loss.
  • Learn About SBS
    Being educated, and aware of the resources available to you, gives you the opportunity to have important discussions with your medical team and seek out the best possible care. You can access resources, support, and education through UOAA and other organizations such as the Oley Foundation, IFFGD, Transplant Unwrapped, The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, and The Short Bowel Syndrome Foundation
  • Find the Right Team
    Seek out a medical team with expertise in SBS and nutrition to offer you the right support throughout your journey. Ideally, this should be at a center that offers intestinal rehabilitation with a multidisciplinary team. If this isn’t possible, find out if your medical team is willing to consult with such a center.
  • Nutrition Matters
    Pay close attention to your diet. Some foods may lead to increased ostomy output or difficulties in digestion. Staying hydrated and making wise food choices are essential. Learn what works best for your specific condition and consult an ostomy nurse and an IBD/SBS dietitian for guidance.
  • Advocate for yourself
    Being comfortable advocating for yourself does not mean being confrontational. It’s about being heard, understood, and well cared for without feeling dismissed. Open communication with your healthcare team is important, especially when shared decision-making comes into play.
  • Resilience
    Day to day life with these diseases can be hard. Sometimes we have to take things day by day, hour by hour, and even minute by minute to get through the tough times. I believe that every patient is resilient. Sometimes, it’s buried, and we just need a bit of extra support to help it come to the surface.
  • Seek support
    Actively engage with your IBD community. Bowel diseases are very private and isolating, so being surrounded by others who understand firsthand what you are experiencing is very powerful. Family and friends can be supportive, but they can only empathize. Speaking with actual patients who have “been there, done that” is extremely helpful and comforting!
  • Be kind to yourself.
    Self-compassion and self-care are very important when living with the day-to-day challenges of these diseases. For example, fatigue is one of the biggest symptoms of IBD. Giving ourselves permission to rest can be hard for some of us – me included! That’s where self-care and self-compassion come in.
  • Be positive
    Lastly, it is absolutely and positively possible to live a very happy and productive life while living with conditions like Crohn’s disease and SBS.


[Article written by Lori Plung with support from UOAA digital sponsor, VectivBio.]

VectivBio is a global biotechnology company committed to improving the lives of people with short bowel syndrome, who rely on parenteral support (IV nutrition and/or IV hydration). VectivBio is part of Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc., a leading global gastrointestinal (GI) healthcare company on a mission to advance the treatment of GI diseases and redefine the standard of care for GI patients. To learn more, visit

We are so excited to be walking, running, or rolling in over six live events across the USA! Join us at a live event near you or participate in your own community virtually!

We’re couldn’t just celebrate one Ostomy Awareness Day, we’d rather celebrate #Ostober!

Join us on Facebook and Instagram as we celebrate a whole month of Ostomy Care!

Join over 350,000 me+ community members worldwide to help you find the right support to feel stronger, more confident and ready for what’s ahead. Our me+ program offers The ostomy products and support you need, tips and advice for living with an ostomy, and a community you can learn from. Have questions about living with an ostomy? Our me+ product specialist and ostomy nurses are waiting to help you, call 1-800-422-8811.


(Editor’s note: Convatec is the Exclusive Diamond Sponsor of this year’s Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k. Their support helps make these UOAA ostomy awareness events possible)

Chris Seyler joined the Phoenix (Arizona) Ostomy Support Groups during COVID times and met up with the group at a park ostomy meeting. Recovering from long term illness and recent surgery, he was ready to find his way back to normal life.

Chris was born in the Phoenix area. While growing up his parents taught him to be active in a team sport, exercise and stay away from bad habits in life.  Chris played basketball and ran track, being nominated for all state in both sports. Receiving a basketball scholarship, and motivated by teachers and coaches, Chris majored in Kinesiology and Science from The Master’s University and became a teacher.

While in college Chris met his wife Colleen, also a teacher. Their son, Nathan, shares his parents’ passion for teaching and athletics and was selected to be in a Disney running movie, MacFarland, USA. Father-Son teamed up to coach school teams in Track and Basketball, winning state Championships.

Following his passion, and inspired by his son, Chris started competing in more events. From 2003 to 2017 he competed in 5ks, 10ks, half and full marathons, triathlons, Ironman, and obstacle racing. It was after AZ IRONMAN 2013 that Chris was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and started losing weight in 2017.  The next couple of years were tough; in and out of the hospitals for nutrition and dehydration and battling a bacterium in his colon.  Various medications and infusions did not help with easing the illness and emergency surgery was performed in 2019.

Weak from illness and surgery Chris retired from his full-time teaching job and put his running shoes aside.

As time went on and recovery was underway, Chris set a goal to run a 5k. Not able to keep up with his wife, she encouraged him to walk, jog, and run. Hydration was always important as part of Chris’ races, but not having a colon taught him he had to be even more diligent about it.  During Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k 2021, Colleen ran the race. Chris walked and rested with his dog…but he finished…and his passion was returning! While training he worked on improving balance and strength and was able to jog/run at the Arizona Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k in 2022. Chris will be participating this year on the Arizona Virtual Race Team as part of the 2023 Run for Resilience Virtual Ostomy 5k on October 7th.

Passionate about life after ostomy surgery; Chris is teaching part-time, is the Phoenix Ostomy Group Secretary and the Meeting Leader at HH Cowden Center ostomy meetings.

To learn more or sign-up for the Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k visit You can donate to UOAA fundraisers by Chris and other resilient participants here

By Jeanine Gleba and Ed Pfueller, UOAA

Do you prefer to work behind the scenes for change? Are you crafty and creative? Do you like to share on social media? No matter how you want to do it, UOAA encourages everyone in the ostomy community to do one little thing to raise awareness and smash stigmas this upcoming National Ostomy Awareness Day on Saturday, October 7, 2023.

One option is to just do something to celebrate having your life back after this lifesaving and life restoring surgery!  You are living proof that ostomies are lifesavers and that’s something to shout from the rooftops. With close to one million people living with an ostomy or continent diversion in America, we could really make some noise!

If you find yourself asking, “Well what can I do?”, check out the clever ideas below that people have shared with us and things that people have already started doing for #OstomyDay2023:

Arty Awareness

  • Bake it or order it. One nurse gets custom cookies made to share at her local ostomy awareness day event. Yum!

Social Media Awareness

  • Share Your Ostomies Are Life-Savers story. People have started sharing their personal stories about how having an ostomy has saved or changed their life with friends on social media. You can use our Instagram and TikTok video green screen as a background (found here) or simply print out this sign and take a selfie! Be sure to tag UOAA and use hashtag #OstomiesAreLifesavers #IAmLivingProof and #OstomyDay2023.
  • Social Stickers. Grab some attention for awareness with our “giphy stickers” or use the latest profile photo frame. Better still get some real stickers made and you can put them on water bottles, laptops, cell phones and more to raise awareness all year long! 

On the Scene or Behind the Scenes For Awareness

  • Mascots for Awareness. WOC nurse Linda Coulter has taken to getting every mascot she encounters to help spread ostomy awareness at sports venues and beyond. Online she shares all the fun #Mascots4ostomyAwareness photos. Also out and about is our friends @DoubleBagginit that spread ostomy awareness wherever they go with their clever #ostomybombs.

  • Walk or even sleep in for Ostomy Awareness.  Those not near a Run for Resilience event or who more are more inclined to sleep in can still donate to the cause while others often do an informal walk or even ride their horse as part of the Virtual Ostomy 5k.

  • Light up Your State Capitol. An advocate in Pennsylvania has worked with her elected official and the capitol building in Harrisburg, PA will be lit blue and green (UOAA official colors) recognizing Ostomy Awareness Day on October 7th between 6:30PM – Midnight EST! As this advocate wrote “Amazing what can happen when we open the dialogue!” The Capitol Building in Baton Rouge, Louisiana will also be lit to celebrate the day so inquire with your state!
  • Virtual Race Car. Someone else participates in the iRacing community. He painted his virtual racing car to raise ostomy awareness. Check out photos and story here.
  • Public Displays. In past years, nurses and others have done ostomy awareness displays at local hospitals or libraries or have hosted picnics with their support groups.

Give it some thought.  You might come up with your own unique idea!  If you do, we’d love to hear them, so send us an email at

Keep checking our webpage for all of the fun events that will be happening like UOAA’s Virtual Happy Hour on October 7th and other ways that you can raise awareness! 


Hi, my name is Maria Sandoval. I wanted to come on here and share my story with you. You may ask, why am I putting the Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k run/walk/roll together in my community? Because it has given me my life back.

In November of 2022 I had surgery to get an ostomy because my ulcerative colitis was getting worse. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2012. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) in your digestive tract. Ulcerative Colitis affects the innermost lining of your large intestine, also called the colon, and rectum. In most people, symptoms usually develop over time, rather than suddenly.

In my case my symptoms did develop over time and things got worse in 2020. The medication I was put on was no longer working. My body was shutting down and therefore my doctor recommended colorectal surgery.

It’s important to me to shine light on ostomies and to give hope to my ostomy community in Arkansas and show them that they are not alone.

Me during a Remicade infusion for ulcerative colitis before making the choice to have ostomy surgery.

I had no idea what this surgery was nor did I know anyone that had undergone this type of surgery. The fear of the unknown put me off from having this done. I was fortunate to have a great surgeon with a great team who gave me all the information I could ask for. They were patient with me, and so understanding of all my feelings. They answered my questions and addressed my concerns. Having that information and having faith, helped me make the decision to have this surgery. I had hope for the first time since being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.

Currently, it’s 2023 and I am 33 and I have my life back. For the first time in a decade I can honestly say I feel safe in my body. I have energy, I feel empowered and I’m here to share my story. Making the decision to have my colon removed and have an ostomy was the best thing I could have done for myself.

I am here to stop the stigma around having an Ostomy. I am here to highlight the positives of having one and how it has impacted my life.

I learned about UOAA through social media. I went to to look up what UOAA is all about and saw that they had a 5k run for Ostomy Awareness Day every October. I have always loved to run in races and thought how cool it would be if I could bring this run to my area. I contacted UOAA to see if they would like to have Northwest Arkansas be part of their Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k and they were more than happy to do so.

I was so proud to have finished the race. I wasn’t racing for time, rather, I was racing for me. My ostomy gave me back my confidence in running.

Me 19 days after my Ostomy Surgery.

The Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k is the major fundraiser for all the great things UOAA does. UOAA has great resources to help with recovery and one of those resources I happened to stumble upon is their support group finder. UOAA does a great job of locating support groups and WOC nurses in your area. Forever grateful for that! I also use their site for educational information, self-advocacy checklists, and finding events they have going on, like the Run for the Resilience Ostomy 5k and their National Conference.

By hosting and taking part in the Run for Resilience I hope to spread awareness on ostomies and continent diversion surgery. It’s important to me to shine light on ostomies and to give hope to my ostomy community in Arkansas and show them that they are not alone. That they have a community to go to.

My mother is helping me host our first event. I am so grateful to have my family help me through this journey. My husband and mother were my caregivers before and after surgery. Making the decision to have surgery was a difficult one, but they both helped me through it.

I hope everyone no matter of where they are out takes part in a Run for Resilience event near them or the Worldwide Virtual Ostomy 5k. I love sharing photos like the one here of a half-marathon I ran five months post-op! Everyone should go at their own pace and talk to their doctor, but for me I think it was one month after my ostomy surgery when I started to train for the half marathon. I took it pretty slow. I began by walking a mile and slowly worked my way up to a jog. By month four I was feeling great and feeling like my old self. I was so proud to have finished the race. I wasn’t racing for time, rather, I was racing for me. My ostomy gave me back my confidence in running.

I would run races here and there before my ostomy surgery. My ulcerative colitis would make it difficult at times to run, but when it was in remission I was happy to get back to running. I have always enjoyed running because it was the one thing I could control in my life. My ostomy gave that back to me. Ostomies are truly life savers!

To sign-up or donate to a Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k event near you visit Support or learn more about Maria’s event, the Rogers, Arkansas Ostomy 5k and follow her 5k on Instagram.

Since short bowel syndrome is not something most people talk about every day, I am excited that we have a month to bring awareness to it. As someone living with short bowel syndrome (SBS) and an ostomy, I have learned to be grateful for the technologies and doctors who have helped keep me alive through my surgeries and infections. And I am proud of myself for developing the self-reliance to find ways to make my life easier.

To learn more about SBS, visit To join the community and talk with others who are living with SBS, check out

People with ostomies come from all stages of life, and we all have different stories to tell. But we also share some common experiences—and we can learn from each other. I have an ostomy because of SBS, a rare digestive disorder that many people may not know much about. If you asked me about my memories of my SBS diagnosis, I couldn’t answer that because I don’t remember it. My SBS diagnosis happened right after I was born. Fortunately, my doctors quickly ran tests and diagnosed me with Hirschsprung’s disease, a condition at birth where certain nerves are missing from parts of the intestine. I immediately had surgery to remove my colon and half of my small intestine, which led to my SBS diagnosis and having an ostomy.

My parents, who were graduate students at the time, were as ready as they could be to bring home a baby, but I think they had prepared for the predictable, everyday challenges of having a “normal” baby, not for me. After my surgery, I spent about one month in the NICU, where the nurses instructed my parents on how to care for me.

When my parents brought me home, they raised me to never feel different and didn’t see my condition as something to hold me back; they wanted me to be independent, which I am! My health condition has been just a part of who I am. I grew up getting hooked up to IV nutrition, a form of parenteral support or PS, every night. It was such a part of my routine that I didn’t know any different. SBS was just part of my life.

From a very early age, I learned how to take care of myself because that’s what parents teach their children. If I hadn’t had SBS, they would have potty-trained me. Instead, they taught me how to drain my ostomy. Their attitude was, This is going to be difficult, but she has to do this. So, we would work on the steps together. Just like other kids learning to make it to the toilet, I learned how to change my ostomy so that I would be ready for school.

Starting preschool was an adventure. How many schools are equipped to care for a kid with an ostomy? Wildly enough, the director of the preschool was an older woman who had friends with ostomies, so she was familiar with my needs! It’s a great example that, despite age differences, we can connect through our ostomy knowledge and help each other out. Eventually, the preschool teachers and director trained the staff at my elementary school when it was time for me to start my education.

As I was growing up, all my friends knew that I had a health condition. I also think I was lucky in that, while I was technically very sick in the beginning, the doctors were able to address it early on. That meant that even though I had a rare digestive disorder, I was actually not a very sick child. Plus, I just didn’t have that concept of shame. For show-and-tell, I’d pull up my shirt to show everyone my line for my parenteral nutrition. And they’d all be like, “Cool! There’s some weird plastic thing hanging out! Moving on…” No one cared.

Then, when I was in middle school, we moved from California to the East Coast. For the first time ever, I had to share my condition with others—in a student population hundreds of times larger than the tiny magnet school I’d left behind. Plus, my health condition started flaring up for the first time. I missed the first day of school due to my first-ever line infection. At that point, I hadn’t really processed what my medical condition meant for my life.

So, I was dealing with complex new health issues while trying to pretend I was “normal.” I got through middle and high school through sheer determination. While I enjoyed my time at school, I often felt like an outsider—like I couldn’t tell people about my true self. I shrank into myself and let fear cause me to lose who I really was. I realized, for example, that the type of shirt “everyone was wearing” would show my line. If I wore the “in” jeans, which were low-waisted, my ostomy bag popped out. I was already not like everybody else just by my clothes alone. Add in missing a lot of school due to hospitalizations and infections, and people would recognize me as “the girl that’s gone all the time.” I let go of hobbies, friends, talents, and dreams just to blend in.

These days, more than two decades after my SBS diagnosis, I don’t worry about blending in so much. Instead, I am clear about my needs, and I’ve figured out what works for me. It doesn’t matter if my jeans are on trend—feeling good and confident in my own skin and my own life matters most. From my clothing choices to creating an ostomy station in my bathroom that’s both functional and cozy, I have learned to set up the things I need to feel comfortable and happy. This also means that when something is stressful or hard, like if the bag breaks in the middle of the night, I already have a bag ready on my nightstand so that I can deal with the issue. I try to think through what might happen when I am clear-eyed and calm so that when difficulties arise (which, in my experience, they have), I can focus on fixing the problem.

I’ve been managing my ostomy on my own since high school, and even when I’m in the hospital or being visited by nurses at home, I take charge of changing my bag. Sometimes the nurses are curious to see how a patient does it independently. I think that as they watch me, they pick up tips and strategies to show their patients different—but still medically acceptable—ways of managing their bags at home. We (or our caregivers) learn the correct procedures in the hospital, and we all find ways to adapt to SBS.

Thankfully, hospitals and homes are two separate things. So when I bring my SBS home with me, I try to be a good host and make it cozy and comfortable.

In recognition of Short Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month, I would like to encourage my fellow SBS patients and their caregivers to stand up and become their own best advocates. As I said, people with ostomies come from all stages of life, and while every patient is unique, we are all in this together.

This article was created by Takeda.

Editor’s Note: This educational article is from one of our digital sponsors, Takeda. Sponsor support along with donations from our readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

By Lisa Febre

You’re not alone, as a new ostomy patient I was overwhelmed. Here is how I learned how to take it slow, keep it simple, and learn about this new normal.

I awoke from surgery like many new ostomates: confused, frightened, angry, overwhelmed, sad, and anxious. A cancer diagnosis and a colostomy were more than I could handle for one morning. It’s a lot to take in, and I just wasn’t ready to face any of it.

Until I had my ostomy, I did not know what this was. Sometimes I would hear vague references on a tv show to “a bag,” but no proper descriptions or explanations. I had a bag and no idea what it was or what to do with it. Afraid to look at it, I thought I might see something so gross it would prevent me from taking care of myself. Would I need to rely on someone else to take care of me from now on? Did all my independence just go out the window with one surgery?

Though knowledgeable and well meaning, the ostomy nurse at the hospital left me feeling overwhelmed. The information she was sharing came at breakneck speed. Words like “flange,” “wafer,” “stoma,” “output,” and “pouching system” were being thrown around as if I already knew what they were. Demonstrations of things like ostomy powders and barrier tape only confused me more. All I remembered from the half-hour spent with the ostomy nurse was how to measure my stoma and how to cut the barrier to size.

Types of ostomy bags or pouches ileostomyThe ostomy nurse had a lot of information to cover in a short period, and she thought all of it was important. Afraid of failing, I was certain that I was going to make terrible mistakes. I doubted my ability to do any of this.

Amidst my stress over the new colostomy, I was also recovering from major abdominal surgery. A colectomy is a dramatic change to the body. In my case, I had a large vertical incision that needed care, along with the sutures around my new stoma. Five days after surgery, I was still easing into my post-op life with a soft-solids diet, gradually introducing new foods according to the nutrition guidelines my surgeon and nutritionist had set for me. Exhausted, sore, depressed, and worried about the future, I had a lot on my plate.

Learn About Your Ostomy Supplies

Videos to the rescue. The ostomy supply manufacturers offer “how-to” videos on YouTube and elsewhere for their products, which are straightforward and helpful. I spoke with a customer support representative from the medical supply service a few days after I got home, and he gave me the best advice: “keep it simple until you get the hang of it. Then you can try the fancy stuff.” His explanations were simpler and this time, he instilled me with confidence. He took the time to answer my questions and used language that made it clear to me that this wasn’t rocket science.

Don’t be afraid to make phone calls to the ostomy supply companies. Their customer service people can be the most helpful people you’ll encounter with your ostomy. Also get the New Ostomy Patient Guide from UOAA that has images and articles to help you adjust to all the new terminology and information.

Get to know the parts of your pouching system. Hospitals will send you home with a particular brand, so begin there but know you can sample a variety of products. I had a 2-piece, filtered, drainable system with a flat barrier (wafer). I decided to stick with what the surgeon had stuck on me, copying that for a few weeks. Thankfully, it can take up to a week after surgery for the gut to work again, so I had time to get to know the appliance before having to deal with output.

Take it Slow

Caring for the colectomy and ostomy incisions was no different from other surgeries. Follow the hospital’s discharge instructions, which are to keep the sutures dry when bathing (there are excellent waterproof dressings readily available online and at your pharmacy). It’s a good idea to trim your barrier adhesive patch to avoid your midline incision until it is fully healed. Even though the sutures around your stoma are being exposed to output, don’t panic. Gently wash the area with each appliance change.

Your surgeon will give you important instructions regarding lifting limits. This usually entails not lifting over 5 pounds for several weeks. They will also advise you to walk as much as possible. Movement aids in jumpstarting your digestion, so walk every day! Always follow your doctor’s instructions: many people are at high risk for parastomal hernia. Your surgeon will tailor your lifting and activity limits to your personal needs, and it is in your best interest to follow those instructions diligently.

Keep it Simple

Keep things as simple as possible as you adjust to your new ostomy. Don’t burden yourself by wondering about all the extra items floating around in the “Starter Kit.” When people in your support group talk about tricks and tips, don’t worry, you’ll soon reach a point when you’re the one giving the advice. It’s overwhelming in the beginning, but before you know it, you’ll become familiar with all the accessories, too. As your body recovers, and you settle into your new normal, you’ll gain confidence in caring for your ostomy. For a month after surgery, I only dealt with the wafer/barrier and pouch. Simplicity helped me feel confident.

After surgery, your stoma will be inflamed. For 8-12 weeks after surgery, as it heals, it will change size before settling into its permanent size. Each time you change your barrier, use the stoma template that comes with your supplies. And don’t worry if your stoma bleeds a little – this is completely normal and should stop quickly. If the bleeding is heavy, it won’t stop, or you know for a fact you cut your stoma on a sharp edge, call your doctor or ostomy nurse.

Don’t be afraid: stomas move before and during output. Your stoma is a living piece of your intestine and intestines move! It is normal for it to retract and pucker. It will let you know when something is about to happen. This is very useful when you’re not home; you’ll feel more confident about knowing when to find a bathroom.

Find the Supplies that Work Best for You

By the end of the first 6 weeks, I was feeling much surer of myself with taking care of my colostomy. Then, I tried all kinds of pouching systems along with many accessories. When I changed brands, I went through the process all over again, speaking to sales representatives and using all the free samples they sent me. Just remember you’ll need a prescription for your supplies from your surgeon, so once the hospital sets you up with a supply company, give that to them. And if/when you change brands, you’ll need a new prescription for that. Don’t worry, it sounds confusing now, but your supply company should handle these details for you.

Be Kind to Yourself and Embrace Peer Support

It’s normal to be overwhelmed in the beginning, so aim to keep things simple. If your ostomy nurse was like mine and raced through the material, it’s difficult to feel confident on your own. Hit reset and try to copy what the surgeon put on you after surgery. Your home health aide may or may not have experience with ostomies, so do your own research and practice with sample supplies. Join a support group as soon after surgery as you can. Armed with information, experience, and support, you, too, will find the confidence you need to care for your new ostomy.


Lisa Febre is the author of “Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable,” a memoir about her diagnosis and treatment of Stage-4c Colon Cancer, which hits bookshelves in September 2023. She had a descending colostomy for 10-months. To learn more visit her at UOAA’s National Conference in August or visit