Part II of a Two-Part Series featuring Emily Rubin MPH, RD, LDN, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Earlier this year, I shared the first part of this two-part series on maintaining nutrition and hydration in people living with short bowel syndrome (SBS) and ostomies (e.g., ileostomies or jejunostomies). In Part I, I talked about managing “Output Consistency” – including thickening or thinning out stools, as well as managing stool acidity – with a focus on diet and nutrition. This article addresses hydration considerations, including signs and symptoms of dehydration in people with SBS and rehydration strategies.

Both articles reflect my own clinical experiences, including more than two decades at the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia where I am the Director of Clinical Nutrition and Lead Clinical Dietitian for the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. These articles are not intended as medical advice. Please contact your doctor if you are experiencing high output, symptoms of dehydration or any other health-related concerns.

As I mentioned in the first part of this series, SBS is a serious and chronic malabsorption disorder that occurs when parts of the intestine are removed surgically or due to injury. The remaining intestine may not be able to absorb enough nutrients from food and drink. When this happens, people with SBS may be at increased risk of malnutrition, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances and/or diarrhea (increased output). I believe that patient education is critical and I am dedicated to teaching my SBS patients about what to expect in terms of stool/ostomy output, along with the risks and symptoms of dehydration. I am proud to share my clinical experience in this article.

Click here to learn more about SBS.


A 60-year-old male patient with an ileostomy and approximately 80 cm of remaining small intestine was experiencing increased stoma output (about 2.5 L/day), resulting in frequent watery stools. He reported, “When I drink large amounts of water, I feel fatigued, dizzy, and I have muscle cramps!”

Contributing Factors:

  • Experiencing High-Output Stoma: During my consultation with the patient, I explained that excess fluid loss from his stoma led to depletion of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium), which can cause some of the symptoms that he reported.
  • Drinking Hypotonic Fluids: I shared with the patient that drinking hypotonic fluids, including plain water, can actually worsen dehydration by increasing ostomy outputs and making fluid and electrolyte disturbances worse. Hypotonic fluids are less concentrated than that of the fluids in the body. In addition to water, these types of fluids include plain, unsweetened tea, black coffee and sugar-free sodas.
  • Diet Low in Complex Carbohydrates: When the patient said that he consumes simple sugars and high-fat foods, I told him that these food choices draw excess water into the bowel, increasing stool output and worsening dehydration. Concentrated sweets, such as candy, cookies and cakes, as well as sweetened beverages like soda, juice and lemonade are all examples of simple sugars.

Understanding Stoma Output Levels

For people living with an ostomy, including those with SBS, I believe that understanding normal output levels is important for managing health. Typically, an ileostomy (post-op) produces around ~750mL per day, although output can be 1200mL or more per day initially. A jejunostomy, on the other hand, can produce significantly more—up to 6 liters per day. In contrast, a colostomy produces between 200-600mL daily. I tell my patients that it is important for the body to make at least 1000-1200mL of urine each day to protect the kidneys.

A high-output stoma occurs when output exceeds ~2 liters per day. This can lead to dehydration and the loss of essential minerals like sodium and magnesium, which are critical for overall health. For people with SBS, high stool output can significantly increase the risk of sodium depletion, with potential losses reaching up to 2430 mg per liter of output. I tell my patients who are experiencing high stool output and symptoms of low sodium, such as unexplained weight loss and fatigue, to contact their doctor.

Restricting Intake of Hypotonic Fluids

When I see patients with SBS who are experiencing high-output stoma in my clinical practice, I advise them to restrict the intake of hypotonic fluids like water, tea, black coffee, and sugar-free sodas. These fluids pull sodium (salt) into the small bowel, and bring water along with it, leading to increased stool outputs. In people with SBS, this can exacerbate fluid and electrolyte imbalances due to the lack of absorptive surface area for both salt and water in the remaining bowel. Drinking more water can worsen the condition by creating a cycle of increased ostomy outputs, associated dehydration and thirst for more water. Continue reading for rehydration options included in this article.

Dietary Factors Contributing to Dehydration

Foods that are low in complex carbohydrates and high in sugar can draw water into the gastrointestinal tract. These, too, can worsen stool output and cause fluid and nutrient losses for people with SBS.  I have seen firsthand in my patients that choosing complex carbohydrates, like white rice, potatoes, pasta, bread and bananas can help manage stoma output and improve nutrient absorption. These carbohydrates are easier to digest and absorb compared to simple sugars.


Did you know there are relatively easy ways to track hydration levels?

Urine Color

I tell my patients that monitoring their urine color can be a relatively easy yet effective way to keep tabs on their hydration levels. If the urine is darker than a pale yellow, it might suggest that the body is holding onto water rather than getting rid of it properly. Clear or light, yellow-colored urine reflects hydration. Darker shades of urine could signify dehydration.

Other signs of dehydration include:

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Higher stool output than total fluid intake
  • Less-frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness/Dizziness when standing
  • Dry mouth
  • Thirst

I tell my patients to consult their doctor if stool output increases, urine output decreases and they notice signs of dehydration.

Water-Tracking Apps

I have encouraged many of my SBS patients to set hydration reminders or alarms on their mobile phones. I have also suggested trying out water-tracking applications (or “Apps”). There are some water-tracking Apps that offer gentle hydration-related nudges throughout the day. Some Apps can help set goals and hydration-tracking progress. There’s even an App that lets users grow a virtual plant by staying hydrated! Searching for “water tracker” in an “App” store on your mobile device, tablet or desktop computer should bring up several options.


Did you know that Oral Rehydration Solutions are different than Sports Drinks?

Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS)

When my patients with SBS are experiencing high output stomas leading to dehydration, I often try to incorporate Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) into their rehydration plans. ORS have a specific combination of sodium, carbohydrate and water in a special ratio that can enhance fluid absorption across the small bowel wall, even when the patient is experiencing diarrhea. In many of my SBS patients, I’ve seen this tailored blend help the body absorb those electrolytes like a sponge. However, ORS can be difficult for some people, because of the salty taste. Sometimes people find it helpful to make ORS into ice cubes or popsicles. Sugar-free flavoring can also be added to help improve the taste of the ORS.

Patients have asked me why they can’t simply buy Sports Drinks – such as basic electrolyte drinks – to rehydrate themselves. While Sports Drinks do contain electrolytes like sodium and potassium, as well as sugar, they are not ideal for SBS patients for effective rehydration. For example, they often have too much sugar and not enough salt. It is the special ratio of sodium, carbohydrate and water that can help with fluid absorption across the small bowel wall.

You can make your own ORS at home. Download a free-of-charge ORS recipe book here:

If you are living with or caring for someone with SBS, I hope that the information that I have shared in this two-part article series helps empower you to bring questions about nutrition and hydration to your healthcare team. Consistent communication is critically important, and I encourage you to bring any concerns to your doctor, nutritionist, dietitian or another member of your SBS healthcare team.

Sometimes it can be challenging to find a healthcare provider who treats rare GI conditions like SBS. To check if there is a medical provider with SBS experience in your local area, visit



Emily Rubin MPH, RD, LDN is the Director of Clinical Dietetics, Clinical Dietitian for Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. In addition to her extensive clinical work, her expertise and insights in the areas of diet and nutrition have been featured in numerous online and broadcast media outlets.



This article was created by Takeda.

Editor’s Note: This educational article is from one of our digital sponsors, Takeda. Sponsor support along with donations from our readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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Ostomy Day or Ostomy 5k- This is the Time to Get Involved

Whether you attend an in person or virtual event, make this be the year you get off the sidelines and discover the power of ostomy awareness. Learn more about all the ways to get involved on our Ostomy Awareness Day (OAD) web page.

“Ostomies Are Lifesavers” – this simple message can pack a big punch when you hear it from someone you know. Whether you post to friends and family on social media or confide in a few people, it can help dismantle stigmas and open hearts and minds. Everyone benefits when you state “I Am Living Proof that Ostomies Are Lifesavers” and reflect on the life you have enjoyed because this surgery exists.

To share your message with UOAA and others consider sharing a video, photo or statement on our online Wall of Love. #IAmLivingProof #OstomiesAreLifesavers

Virtual events to celebrate OAD

Events this week kick-off on Thursday, October 3, with a special Virtual Art Expression Class in collaboration with Connecting Pieces. Have fun, experience some artful healing and connect with others to decorate an ostomy pouch or anything you’d like. Register today! $10 child, $25 Individual, $35 Group

On Saturday, October 5, Ostomy Awareness Day, WOCN® Society is hosting a virtual Ostomy Education Day. Caregivers, medical professionals seeking CRE credits, and anyone in the public wanting to learn more about ostomy care are welcome to join this free event.

On Saturday you’ll also have the chance to connect directly with our inspiring Ostomy Awareness Day Champion Kimberly Holiday Coleman. Visit UOAA’s Instagram Page @UOAA_ at 12 noon Eastern Time (9am Pacific Time)  for a special Instagram Live Q&A – and feel free to ask her anything!

The Ostomy 5k- Not just for Runners

It’s a celebration of resilience and a gathering of ostomy awareness supporters no matter how far you can walk, run or roll. Virtual 5k participants have gone the distance by using a treadmill, swimming, kayaking, riding stationary bicycles, and even horseback riding! Be sure to share your photos no matter where you do it! 

The in-person Run for Resilience events are a mix of timed runs and fun runs as well as scenic walks and all are very family-friendly. Registration is still open and everyone is welcome to participate or simply gather and cheer on the resilience of the ostomy community!

The events are held on scenic greenway and park locations in Durham and Birmingham, city walkways outside Chicago in Downers Grove, riverside trails in Nashville and Northwest Arkansas, to mountain valleys in the Poconos of Pennsylvania and Meridian, Idaho.

The Trumbull County Ohio walk/run is ready for any weather. It will take place on an indoor track at the Niles Wellness Center. They’ll have a free mobile health screening service, a raffle and refreshments.


Locations like North Carolina are just as well known for their amazing silent auction items that are not to be missed. Local DJs, like Susie Q in Rogers, Arkansas, add to the festive atmosphere of these events.

All events have snacks and hydration and a variety of local and national sponsors’ tables to visit.

Celebrate with our Run for Resilience Sponsors

Sponsors add to the fun and awareness atmosphere of our Ostomy 5k Events Nationwide.

Coloplast is the Exclusive Diamond Sponsor of this year’s Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k. Representatives will be on hand to answer your questions and show off supplies at the events nationwide with the exception of Alabama. Check your race bags for a special sticker and magnet as well. Coloplast is also hosting an Ostomy 5k event for staff on the campus of their Minneapolis headquarters.

Revel, a new national sponsor this year, is excited to be a part of Ostomy Awareness Day and  proud to be supporting UOAA’s mission to advocate for the ostomy community. Revel will be hosting a “no-pancaking” breakfast with a full waffle bar at the founding race in Durham, NC! They’ll also be serving up samples of It’s in the Bag and free swag at booths in Durham, NC; Niles, OH and Downers Grove, IL.

Hollister is proud to be a returning sponsor this year and will have representatives and fun activities at all the national event locations. As we approach #OstomyAwarenessDay on October 5th, Hollister wants to hear about your plans to celebrate the ostomy community! For ideas on how to get involved, take a look at their activities.

Other Gatherings Nationwide

For more opportunities to meet others and learn about ostomy products check our UOAA Event Calendar for info on Ostomy Fairs and Affiliated Support Group gatherings being held to celebrate the day.

Don’t forget to let us know how you choose to make a difference on this day or in the future. Whether you got a proclamation passed where you live, or want to model that ostomy awareness t-shirt we want to see it! Email us at

By UOAA Advocacy Manager Jeanine Gleba and UOAA Communications and Outreach Manager Ed Pfueller

“If you believe in great things, you may be able to make other people believe in them, too.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

UOAA’s greatest national advocacy effort to raise ostomy awareness is Ostomy Awareness Day. It is held annually on the first Saturday of October. By raising awareness that this is a life-saving surgery we are steadily dispelling fear and misconceptions and erasing stigma. 

The most significant aspect of Ostomy Awareness Day is that we empower people living with ostomies. Every time a person raises ostomy awareness, it has the power to save and transform lives. They show the world their resilience and that they are leading fulfilling lives with their ostomy.  

Get inspired to share your story after listening to this year’s Ostomy Awareness Day Champion Kimberly Holiday-Coleman share her story.

A simple way to share your personal story about how having an ostomy has saved or changed your life is with your family and friends on social media and use the hashtags #OstomiesAreLifesavers,  #OstomyDay2024 or #IAmLivingProof and tag UOAA.  You can also share our #OstomiesAreLifesavers “giphy stickers” on social media (search @UOAAOstomy).

Even if you are not on social media you can click here to record a video automatically or leave a text response or photos for our online ‘wall of love’ gallery of “Ostomies Are Lifesavers” stories.

We hope you can attend the festive atmosphere of one of our eight Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k events around the country or share a photo in your Ostomies Are Lifesavers t-shirt you get when registering for the Virtual Ostomy 5k. However you choose to celebrate, let us know!

To raise much needed ostomy awareness in your community please consider writing a Letter to the Editor of a local newspaper or work behind the scenes by sharing our Ostomy Awareness PSA videos with your local TV outlets. 

To kick-off the weekend events UOAA is partnering with the nonprofit Connecting Pieces for a Virtual Art Expression Class on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 6:30 pm ET. Bring an ostomy pouch for a healing and fun creative exercise with whatever simple art supplies you have at home. All are welcome! 

On Ostomy Awareness Day on Saturday, October 5, you can also “Ask an Ostomate.” Our Ostomy Awareness Day Champion Kimberly will be hosting Q&A on UOAA’s Instagram @uoaa_ Live at Noon (11am CT).

We hope you’ll join UOAA and the ostomy community and make a difference too! Keep checking our Ostomy Awareness Day webpage for all the ways you can raise ostomy awareness on October 5, 2024.

PS. Awareness doesn’t just happen overnight or in one day. Learn more about raising ostomy awareness all year long within our “How to be an Ostomy Champion” toolkit.

For people who have recently come to accept or are still struggling to manage one ostomy the news that they may need to have a second stoma and pouching system could be overwhelming. Please know you are not alone. Many people are able to thrive in life with two ostomies, or multiple diversions.

When UOAA hears from those with questions for a double ostomate we often refer them to ostomy community friend Jearlean Taylor.  Jearlean wanted to share some advice and invite all double ostomates to her talk and open discussion entitled “Life as a Double Ostomate” on August 12, 2023 as part of UOAA’s National Conference in Houston, Texas.

Sharing with the community of double ostomates is so refreshing and exciting. It is true “we are not alone”. We can live our life as a double ostomate with joy.

I am Jearlean from Baltimore, Maryland. I am a double ostomate, fashion model, author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and ostomy advocate.

My life has had some unexpected outcomes. I guess you can say “life” happened. At the tender age of 3 years old I developed a rare form of cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma). Because of the tumors I had to undergo ostomy surgery, which left me with two permanent ostomies (colostomy & urostomy).

If you or a child come to find you need a second ostomy my advice is to ADAPT. I had to learn to adapt. As I got older it was two major things for me to adapt; body and mind. When we hear two ostomies we get scared, but when we accept what we can’t change it says we are survivors. I adapted to new ways of taking care of my body (ostomies) and keeping my mind positive. Those still adapting to having two ostomies reflect how far you have come and where you are now. Celebrate each moment.

A Common question or statement I get is “you had your ostomies that long. How did you adapt?” The moment I learned to deal with my medical circumstance when my mom explained that I was not different from anyone else. I am beautiful with my bags. I can be, do, and follow my passions and dreams. I can live a full and vibrant life. It happened just as she said. Because of what she instilled in me, I BELIEVED IT.

When we hear two ostomies we get scared, but when we accept what we can’t change it says we are survivors.

Sharing with the community of double ostomates is so refreshing and exciting. It is true “we are not alone”. We can live our life as a double ostomate with joy. We are more than our ostomies.

I also try to give encouraging tips for dressing with an ostomy for comfort and peace of mind. Remember.

  • We are beautiful from the inside out
  • Work with your body type and comfort
  • Look for clothing that YOU like ,and what is comfortable for your ostomies
  • Shopping for clothing; take a family or friend along for support
  • Try on multiple items of clothing, even the clothing in your closet
  • Consider ostomy accessories (ostomy wraps, stealth belt, hernia belt, fitted tops, high waist undergarments, etc..)

We have the ability to make a difference and change lives even through our struggles. You may have an ostomy, dealing with chronic illness, feeling down and inadequate at times, but remember you are more than you have become.  Our situations, challenges, and unforeseen circumstances does not have to dictate who we are or who we can become. My purpose is to inform everyone that “life” happens to us all; good, bad, and indifferent. I want to show people even through our struggles, pain, disease, and even having ostomy we have a purpose in life.



You can find Jearlean online at and across social media. Meet her and a whole community of double ostomates at UOAA’s 8th National Conference August 10-12, 2023, In Houston Texas. 

My journey to a Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) diagnosis followed years of motility issues, intestinal complications and numerous surgeries, including a jejunostomy, which is an ostomy that creates an opening in the part of the small intestine called the jejunum. As a trained architect, I believe there’s no problem too big to solve, and applying that mindset has helped me to navigate the challenges of SBS and life with an ostomy. This is my story.

When I was diagnosed with a motility disorder at the age of 15, I never thought that it would have such an effect in my life. I was able to function with physical activity and limited diet until I had my colon removed in 2015 due to colonic volvulus. In my case, this meant that my colon twisted around itself, causing tissue death from lack of blood flow. The procedure worsened my underlying motility disorder of the small intestine. As a result of my underlying condition of chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction (CIPO), my intestines wouldn’t function. I lost the ability to absorb nutrients through my small intestine. I was in desperate need of answers.

Ultimately, I was evaluated for an intestinal transplant. At the time, my small intestine was severely compromised due to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. In order to improve my odds of surviving the transplant, I underwent surgery to remove the majority of my small intestine in 2018, leaving me with only four inches of small intestine that didn’t function properly. The surgery, and the resulting serious and chronic malabsorption disorder that accompanied it, resulted in my diagnosis of short bowel syndrome, SBS.

To learn more about SBS, visit To join the community and talk with others who are living with SBS, check out


While not everyone will experience an SBS diagnosis the same way, for me, the removal of my colon and most of my small intestine eliminated the ongoing pain and discomfort I experienced when I was living with a motility disorder and chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome. Just prior to the surgery to remove my small intestine, I weighed 87 pounds and couldn’t walk half a mile without becoming exhausted. I now weigh 122 pounds and was able to walk nine miles the other day. Keep in mind that this is just my experience and everyone’s journey will be different. In consultation with my medical team, I have decided to put my intestinal transplant on hold.

In my case, living with SBS also means that if I don’t eat the right things, it can affect my electrolytes and fluid balance. Without my colon, I don’t absorb fluids. So, I have found that if I drink water, I can actually lose fluids. A key part of managing my condition has been learning to listen to my own body and trying to understand what’s happening inside. For example, I have learned to recognize the signs of dehydration and have made it a priority to understand my lab values. As I have gained a better understanding of my condition, I also think it’s been important for me to find the right providers for what I’m going through at each stage of the process.


Navigating how to live with a jejunostomy was a challenging aspect in my SBS management, especially when I experienced leaking. I remember once going to a rare bookstore and my ostomy bag opened. In those moments, with liquid pouring down my legs, I had never felt more embarrassed. However, my grandma taught me that you have a choice in uncomfortable situations – you can either cry or laugh. I try to choose the latter. Not everyone will experience leaks with an ostomy, but if it happens to you, I’d encourage you to give yourself grace. Adapting to life with an ostomy can be a gradual process. For example, when I first had my jejunostomy, it took me an hour to change my bag and now it only takes me 15 minutes.

Despite the challenges, I never gave up on looking for answers and solutions. My training as an architect has led me to believe there is nothing that can’t be solved. After consulting with multiple ostomy teams and connecting with people who share similar experiences, I started to embrace the changes that came with my SBS diagnosis and jejunostomy.

I have been lucky enough to receive tremendous support throughout my SBS journey. My family is my biggest source of support. My husband has been there for me despite knowing about my chronic condition. My dad is the one who figured out how to empty the additional drainage bag overnight by flipping it upside down. My mother and grandma have created customized recipes to help with my oral food intake. But, for me, it’s been a continual process to educate the people around me about my condition. I have learned to be patient and vocal about my specific needs.

For anyone living with a rare and chronic illness, I encourage you to reach out and seek community support. A few members of the SBS community have inspired me and helped me to better understand my condition and encouraged me to break down barriers in my own SBS journey by sharing their own experiences. I’m grateful for the opportunity to connect with others going through similar experiences.

When I was first diagnosed with SBS, I did not think it would be possible to continue doing the things I love. Along the way, the architect in me has looked for opportunities to “design my future” with SBS by embracing challenges, educating myself and the people around me, and connecting with others in the community. I am proud of the progress I’ve made – I have a job that I love and I live in a city that I love. SBS is only a small piece of who I am, and it does not define who I am. I hope you can embrace YOUR journey with SBS, too.

This article was created by Takeda.


Editor’s Note: This educational article is from one of our digital sponsors, Takeda. Sponsor support along with donations from our readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.