By UOAA Advocacy Manager Jeanine Gleba

When thinking of UOAA I am often reminded of William Shakespeare’s quote from A Midsummer Night’s Dream: “Though she be but little she is fierce.” United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) is a small national non-profit organization run by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors with limited funding and a majority part-time 7-person staff. However, we are proud to be the leading organization advocating for the ostomy and continent diversion patient communities in the United States! We use several strategies to ensure our voices are heard including but not limited to:

1. We have a growing (2000) Advocacy Network of grassroots advocates who take time out of their busy schedules to take action when called upon to do so. They help us amplify our message! Please join our Advocacy Network. It’s a simple way to wet your feet in the advocacy world and doesn’t require a major time commitment.

2. We know we are stronger in numbers. UOAA is a member of several coalitions including the Access and Care Coalition, Digestive Disease National Coalition (DDNC) and the Safe Step Act Coalition where we share common goals and work together to achieve them. For example, the DDNC’s mission is to work cooperatively to improve access to and the quality of digestive disease health care in order to promote the best possible medical outcome and quality of life for current and future patients. Although UOAA is unable to have its own “ostomy” lobby days or fly-ins on the Hill (due to financial limitations), we are an important part of the annual DDNC Spring Public Policy forum. Ostomy advocates join forces with other digestive disease advocates to meet with Congressional staffers to share their stories and ask for support of our federal legislative priorities. These coalitions submit joint letters of requests or support/opposition to Congressional leaders and key regulatory decision-makers. An example of power and strength in numbers is the Safe Step Act Coalition which now comprises 215 patient organizations all advocating for passage of this important piece of legislation!

3. As a national organization we also develop position papers on topics concerning people living with an ostomy or continent diversion. These important documents might give background information, description of the impact on our community, and in some cases, advocate for change. We use them when talking to key decision-makers such as your elected officials, the media, or anyone who wants to know more about where UOAA stands on the topic/issue. An example of one of our position statements is our opposing stance on the cost-shifting tactic called “non-medical switching” of ostomy prosthetic supplies. Oftentimes, these papers include patient testimonials from the ostomy community to strengthen our message. You’re invited to share your story with UOAA and give permission for potential use in an advocacy effort.

4. We build relationships with like-minded organizations and collaborate on efforts that will benefit our collective groups. For example we frequently partner with both the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society and Certification Board.

5. UOAA has a unique patient perspective and first-hand knowledge of the patient access issues facing the ostomy population. We are the trusted go-to source for ostomy information. We are compelled to take initiative and reach out to government agencies and Congressional Committees to share our views and extend the invitation to use us as a resource if they have any questions or if we can help in any way to move things forward. For example, in April 2023 we requested and attended a Patient Listening session with the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) Patient Engagement team to educate the FDA about the needs and challenges of this particular historically underserved patient population. We believe the FDA needs to understand what is important to the ostomy community when ostomy medical products are being developed and approved.

6. With regards to our federal priorities, 2023 was the start of the 118th congressional session. UOAA supports several bills related to the ostomy and continent diversion patient communities’ underlying medical conditions such as colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. Using the weight of our entire organization, we contact politicians via letters and in-person meetings to garner co-sponsors and “yes” votes. Some of the bills we are currently advocating for will significantly improve patient access to needed treatments:

· S 652/HR 2630, the Safe Step Act, would ensure that employer plans/PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Managers) offer an expedient and medically reasonable step therapy exceptions process. This will empower individuals to navigate their insurance and help them access the treatments they need in time. Read the flyer and see the 215 orgs that support the bill.

· S 1375/HR 830, the HELP Copays Act, would ensure that copay assistance is counted towards a beneficiary’s deductible and out of pocket maximum. This will help patients afford their treatments. Read more.

For more information on our national efforts check out the 2023 UOAA Federal Advocacy Priorities Handout.

We all have the choice to do nothing or take action. I hope you choose UOAA and take action with us so we roar even louder!

There are two main types of stomas, and they both have certain “ideal” characteristics in common. Do you know what they are?

Wound care nurses know that it’s not uncommon to hear the terms ostomy and stoma used interchangeably, even though they have different meanings.

What is a stoma?

Let’s start with the basics:

  • The stoma is the mouth-like, visible part of an ostomy.
  • A fecal or urinary stoma is composed of mucous membrane or the lining of the intestine that’s exposed to the surface.
  • Following ostomy surgery, effluent (output) — such as fecal matter, urine, or mucous — will pass through the opening of the stoma, called the lumen.
  • The patient will not have voluntary control of the effluent expelled by the stoma.

Types of stomas

There two major categories of stomas: the end and the loop.

End stoma

An end stoma is created when the surgeon brings one end of the GI tract through the abdominal wall, then folds it over. The surgeon then removes the other end or sews it shut.

In some cases, the surgeon will create end stomas from both ends of the GI tract, called a double-barrel stoma. In this case, you’ll see two distinct stomas: the proximal stoma discharges stool and the distal stoma discharges mucous. Sometimes an expanse of skin separates the two stomas, and sometimes they will share the same opening. This construction is most common for infants or very small children.

Loop stoma

To create this type of colostomy, the surgeon lifts a loop of the transverse colon through the abdomen. The colon is given a small split on the side facing out, and a rod is placed underneath for support. The rod may be removed after a few days when support is no longer needed. The proximal opening of the stoma drains stool from the intestine, while the distal opening of the stoma drains mucus. Loop stomas are usually created for temporary ostomies.

Characteristics of an ideal healthy stoma

Each stoma is unique, just as each patient’s physiology is unique. Different surgical techniques will result in stomas of different appearance. At the same time, the “ideal” stoma has some identifiable characteristics:


The inner surface of the stoma continually produces mucus to cleanse the stoma. Mucus production is a normal function of the intestines that serves as natural lubrication for food passing through the body. The mucus gives the healthy stoma a wet appearance.

Beefy red

Blood flow is essential to the health of the stoma. Normal stoma tissue is highly vascular and will appear deep pink to red. Pale pink is also normal in a urinary stoma. Stoma tissue may even bleed slightly when rubbed or irritated, which is normal. When a stoma turns pale, or dark, it means there’s a problem with the blood supply, so be sure to investigate.


A round stoma is easiest to measure with circular rulers. It also works best with pre-cut skin barriers (the part of the ostomy appliance that affixes to the skin and attaches to pouch). An oval or irregularly shaped stoma may require cut-to-fit skin barriers.

The shape is affected by the type of ostomy and the individual’s body composition. The shape can also vary with the wave-like muscular contractions of the intestines, the peristaltic movement.


When a stoma has a rosebud shape (rather than flat or retracted), it protrudes into the pouching system. This allows the effluent to fall out into the pouch away from the body. The ideal protrusion is 2-3 cm with a lumen in the very center.

Strategically located

To easily accommodate the skin barrier, it’s ideal to have 2-3 inches of flat skin around the stoma. Avoid beltlines, bony prominences, skin folds, suture lines, or the umbilicus (belly button). Also, the patient will have more success managing a stoma located in an area that they can see and reach.

Stoma assessment

The stoma itself has no sensory nerve endings, which means there is no sensation for the patient. In other words, the patient may not feel pain or discomfort if the stoma becomes lacerated or injured. Therefore, your thorough clinical assessment of the stoma and the surrounding skin is essential to catching problems early.

Ostomy basics for healthcare clinicians: upcoming wound care conference session

As the third largest wound care conference in the nation, Wild on Wounds (WOW) is focused on advancing the healthcare workforce with impactful, innovative, hands-on wound care education built by and for clinicians.

This year, Joy Hooper, RN, BSN, CWOCN, OMS, WCC, AWCC, will present, “Ostomy: Basics and Beyond” which will provide a better level of understanding of colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy surgery. The surgeries will be explained in a simple, relatable show-and-tell progression that builds on healthcare clinicians’ understanding GI tract anatomy. The presentation will include the concepts of peristomal skin protection from output and the different types of appliances available. The session will also include trouble shooting common peristomal skin common complications.

The session is intended for dieticians, nurses, and physical therapists and offers 4.00 contact hours. Learning objectives from the session include:

  • Identifying how to communicate basic ostomy care based on individual type of ostomy as it relates to a patient’s ostomy type
  • Selecting interventions to preserve peristomal skin integrity
  • Recognizing how to use ostomy products to customize fit thus promoting quality of life

WOW details

This year’s 17th annual WOW event is brought to you by the Wound Care Education Institute (WCEI) and, part of the parent company Relias’ family of brands. The conference will take place from September 13–16 in Hollywood, Florida. Conference attendees can choose from dozens of educational sessions and earn up to 25 contact hours for CE credits.

WOW offers innovative, interactive, and informative sessions, including simulation workshops, live product demonstrations, and a new pre-conference track with an entire day of legal sessions. Also new this year is a virtual poster hall featuring the latest in clinical research, clinical practice outcomes, evidence-based interventions, new technology, management of complex wounds, and more.

To learn more and register for Wild on Wounds, visit here.

-Natalie Vaughn, MBA, Senior Content Marketing Manager, Relias


By Cheryl Ory, UOAA President

President Biden has proclaimed March 2023 National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society says that colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer related deaths in both men and women. On another note, the death rate has been dropping for several decades. One reason is that treatments have improved. Another reason is that colorectal polyps are now being found more after screening and removed before they can turn into a cancer.

UOAA Advocate, ostomate and colorectal cancer survivor Allison Rosen speaks on the National Mall as part of the United in Blue Rally sponsored by Fight Colorectal Cancer. Video: United in Blue Rally on the Mall (1)

In 2008 I was diagnosed with Stage 3b colorectal cancer. I was told the cancer had been developing for at least 10 years or more, most likely when I was in my early 30’s. There was a polyp, if it had been removed at an earlier date the cancer would not have developed. After radiation, chemo, surgery, and more chemo I am now a colorectal cancer survivor with a permanent colostomy, an ostomy that has saved mine and others lives from not only cancer, but other debilitating diseases.

I’m happy that UOAA is standing alongside partner organizations like Fight Colorectal Cancer to push lawmakers into giving attention to the alarming rise in young people with colorectal cancer.

With younger people being as risk and diagnosed , The U.S Preventative Services Task Force lowered the recommended screening age to 45 in 2021.  One in five colorectal cancer patients is between the ages of 20-54. Talk to your doctor about options for colorectal cancer screening. As the Colon Cancer Coalition states with earlier screening and detection, “Colorectal Cancer can be  Preventable, Treatable, Beatable.”

If you are a person still at risk, like those with IBD, let me urge you to get screened. Screening can result in any colorectal cancers being found earlier when they are easier to treat.

Here at United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) we have a long legacy of supporting the survivors of cancer and many other conditions so that they can have best quality of life possible. If your cancer requires a life-saving ostomy surgery remember-you are not alone. 725,000- 1 million people in the U.S. of all ages and backgrounds live with an ostomy.

Every individual person’s disease treatment is unique but ostomy surgery for colorectal cancer may mean a temporary ileostomy (from the small intestine) or colostomy (large intestine). This may be required to give a portion of the bowel a chance to rest and heal. When healing has occurred, the colostomy can often be reversed and normal bowel function restored.  It’s important to know that not everyone with an ostomy will be a candidate for a reversal operation. A permanent colostomy may be required when a disease affects the end part of the colon or rectum.

We have new Living with a Colostomy guide and ileostomy guide to help you learn as much as possible before or after you have this life changing surgery.

It’s especially important to connect with one of hundreds of  UOAA Affiliated Ostomy Support Groups in the U.S. before, or shortly after, your surgery. Peer support and preparation can put you on the path to success in what may be a challenging time both emotionally and physically.  Ask if the hospital has a certified ostomy nurse and insist on having your stoma placement marked before surgery. These and other self-advocacy tools are paramount and outlined in our Ostomy Patient Bill of Rights.

You may feel too overwhelmed as you are discharged at the hospital to fully understand ostomy pouching systems and accessories and lifestyle considerations. If you have a  medical question contact your doctor or nurse, but if you have a quality of life question-UOAA resources here at and peers at UOAA Affiliated Support Groups likely have the answers.

It’s important to learn the facts about living with an ostomy. After the healing period outlined by your surgeon you can swim, bathe, be intimatetravel, and embrace a new normal life. After some trial and error, you may also eat most of the foods you have been able to eat in the past. Education is key to battling misinformation.

Unfortunately misinformation and stigmas surrounding both ostomy surgery and colorectal cancer affect the number of people getting screened or getting the medical treatment they need.  Let’s work together to educate, advocate and support survivors.


Cheryl Ory is a colorectal cancer survivor who received a permanent colostomy in 2008. Cheryl is a Registered Nurse who has had a passion for volunteering with the ostomy community ever since and first joined UOAA’s Board of Directors in 2015. She now holds the position of President.




Excerpts from Matthew Perry’s new memoir show that even TV stars are vulnerable to poor ostomy care and stigmas UOAA is working to erase.

By James Murray, UOAA President

(Update: People around the world have been reacting to the sad news that Perry was found dead in his home on October 28, 2023.)

In a preview of his new memoir Friends star Matthew Perry reveals to People that in 2019 his colon burst from opioid abuse and that he spent two weeks in a coma before waking up unaware that he had emergency ostomy surgery to save his life.

He reveals that ‘It was pretty hellish having one because they break all the time’ which as President of United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) shows me that even a Hollywood star is susceptible to poor quality of care and the ostomy stigmas our organization is fighting to end.

I had lifesaving ostomy surgery as a result of colon cancer and I am among the 725,000 to 1 million people in the United States we estimate are living with an ostomy or continent diversion. Many of us live healthy and active lives thanks to follow-up care by certified ostomy nurses, education, emotional support, and the fact that a properly fitted ostomy pouch should not break, smell or restrict your desired lifestyle.

The book also reveals that Perry’s ostomy was temporary and that his therapist said ‘The next time you think about taking OxyContin, just think about having a colostomy bag for the rest of your life.’ Perry says this was the catalyst for wanting to break his long pattern of addiction.

While it’s wonderful that Perry has fought to end his addiction, these words sting for those of us who deal with the consequences of ostomy stigmas in our society. We wonder if Perry would have come to see the ostomy differently if given the chance to attend an ostomy support group or talk with another person living with an ostomy during his 9-month recovery. Did he receive information about organizations that support ostomy patients prior to discharge? Research shows that these and other UOAA standards of care can make all the difference in a patient’s outcome.

Despite the fact that ostomy surgery saves or improves lives, there are still people who believe that death is a better choice than having this surgical procedure. People of all ages struggle with body image issues and acceptance in life with an ostomy and perpetrating these stigmas can leave deep scars.

Perry also mentions looking at the scars from his 14 abdominal surgeries as motivation for ending a cycle of addiction. Perry and those interviewing him are rightly celebrating and supporting addiction recovery efforts. We ask that they also give a moment to help raise positive ostomy awareness, and share our resources available to all those in need.

James Murray is President of United Ostomy Associations of America Inc. (UOAA) a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes quality of life for people with ostomies and continent diversions through information, support, advocacy and collaboration. Educational resources, advocacy tools, support groups and more can be found at

Donate today to help the next ostomate in need. 

UOAA Research Results Are Published Showing Patient Rights Are Being Utilized but Gaps in Care Being Provided Exist

By Jeanine Gleba, UOAA Advocacy Manager

Everyone in the United States has the right to receive high quality care. However, the ostomy community continues to be plagued by poor quality care due to lack of trained medical professionals such as certified ostomy care nurses. Many caring for a person with an ostomy do not have the education related to the physical, emotional or quality of life needs of someone living with an ostomy. Thus, those in the ostomy community often feel a lack of compassion and respect regarding their care.  UOAA receives hundreds of calls and email inquiries annually, many of them desperately seeking assistance for proper ostomy care.

It is a primary mission of UOAA advocates to assure that quality ostomy care occurs universally across all health care settings.  

In 2019 UOAA embarked on a research journey to examine best-in-practice care for ostomy patients through the utilization of the Ostomy and Continent Diversion Patient Bill of Rights (PBOR), which are evidence-based for quality ostomy care. We wanted to know if these written standards are the accepted practiced norms for treatment and care for ostomates. 

Together let’s establish a culture that promotes the highest quality care for ostomates.

We collected data from both ostomy surgery patients (412 respondents) and medical clinicians (195 respondents) such as Wound Ostomy Continence nurses. The organization is thrilled to announce the release of our research results that were published in the September/October 2022 issue of the Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing.

There were three research questions that the study investigated 

  1. Is UOAA’s PBOR being used to care for ostomy patients analyzed from the perspective of patients and clinicians?
  2. Do patients and clinicians perceive that use of the PBOR is beneficial to ostomy patient health outcomes?
  3. Have clinicians witnessed positive patient health outcomes (e.g., decreased readmissions for dehydration, feeling better prepared to care for the ostomy)?

Promising findings showed that, for the clinicians familiar with the PBOR, more than half reported that the PBOR was being utilized to inform ostomy care1. Additionally, a majority of both patients and clinicians indicated that consistent use of the PBOR may be beneficial for ostomy patient health outcomes such as prevention of Emergency Department visits1. However, analysis identified a significant gap in specific standards of care being provided by clinicians versus the care patients reported they received1. For example, 22.5% of the patient population reported engaging in a discussion on the emotional impact of the ostomy surgery versus 65.6% of the clinician respondents reported it was provided1.  Another notable difference was the number of patients (55.1%) who reported receiving educational materials specific to ostomy care versus 82.5% of clinicians reported providing educational materials.

The study concluded that there are discrepancies between PBOR standards of care being provided by clinicians versus the care patients reported they received. Further awareness and wider utilization of the PBOR are needed to provide best care to patients living with an ostomy1.

Advocacy work is ongoing and quality health care is a team effort. Together let’s establish a culture that promotes the highest quality care for ostomates. When quality of care is not provided, people should speak up. The more people that demand these rights and the more medical professionals who perform these standards of care, the more improvements will be realized in patient care and outcomes.


1.Gleba, Jeanine; Miller, Leslie Riggle; Peck, B. Mitchell; Burgess-Stocks, Joanna. United Ostomy Associations of America's Ostomy and Continent Diversion Patient Bill of Rights: An Examination of Best-in-Practice Care for Ostomy Patients. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing: September/October 2022 - Volume 49 - Issue 5 - p 462-468
doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000909


By Robin Glover

Ostomy surgery is a life-changing event. As ostomates, we go through things other people will never have to experience. Everybody’s story is different, but we have all shared in many similar aspects of our journeys. We are a unique community of strong and courageous people of all ages and backgrounds.

To celebrate that, United Ostomy Associations of America is hosting the UOAA 2022 Virtual Ostomy Symposium on Saturday, August 13, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time (7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Pacific) including breaks.

This symposium will feature a mix of ostomates, j-pouchers, and medical professionals delivering a fun, engaging, and informative day of learning, laughing, and community-building.

Questions you were too afraid to ask will be answered. Questions you didn’t even know you had will be answered.

In all, 22 speakers will be bringing their expertise on a variety of ostomy-related subjects. (And don’t worry, each session will be recorded so if you can’t make it live that day or can’t see all of the ones you want, you’ll be able to watch them later.)

You can find the full list of speakers and the agenda here.

What to Expect

The virtual lobby will be open at 10:30 AM EDT before the speaker sessions begin to chat, troubleshoot any tech issues and explore the agenda. Ticket holders get an email with a unique link to the event. Attendees are encouraged to enter “lounges” organized by ostomy or continent diversion type (and one for caregivers) to chat or meet with others like you. These will be open for the entirety of the event for those who want to pop in and out during breaks.

Sponsor Booths will also be open throughout the event to give ticket holders the opportunity to talk with representatives of ostomy product manufacturers and suppliers ­– and learn about the latest product advancements. Thanks to all our symposium sponsors including Platinum Sponsor Convatec for helping to make this event possible.

The most important participant for this year’s UOAA Virtual Ostomy Symposium is you.

After opening remarks from UOAA leadership, the symposium will kick off on the Main Stage with Louie Green, a standup comic and recent ostomate. He’s going to share his poignant ostomy journey with a bit of welcoming wit.

Next on the Main Stage at 12:40 AM EDT, Joy Hooper’s Ostomy BUZZables presentation will present the newest innovations and ostomy products available on the market. If there’s something new in the ostomy world, you’ll hear about it here.

Educational Sessions 

Throughout the day, Educational Sessions will run concurrently between the Main Stage where you’ll get to hear from wonderful WOC nurses, experienced ostomates, amazing doctors and dedicated advocates.

Presentations will cover everything from sex and intimacy and traveling the world with an ostomy to nutrition and staying hydrated and dealing with hernias. Other session topics will focus on peristomal skin issues, aging in place with an ostomy, affiliated support groups, and secrets of the big four stoma types.

There will also be a special workshop for young adults. Inspiring ostomates Molly Atwater-Pulisic and Collin Jarvis will be co-hosting the conversation about physical activity, relationships, and mental health for ostomates ages 18-35.

Attendees will be able to submit questions for the speakers during the presentations and the speakers presentation materials will be available to access at you leisure.

After these educational sessions be sure not to miss Dr. Janice Beitz back on the Main Stage at 3:55 PM EDT for a presentation titled If You See a Toilet in Your Dreams, do NOT use it! Emotional Support, Quality of Life and Humor. It will look at the power of humor in dealing with emotional challenges while dispelling some myths and misconceptions about ostomies.

The event will come to a close with a special presentation from Magen Cherry, a j-poucher and winner of the 2007 Miss Texas USA competition. She uses her platform to share encouragement and bring hope to fellow ostomates and j-pouchers coming to terms with their new reality. Fun fact: Magen had a colonoscopy three days after being crowned Miss Texas USA!

Connecting with a Caring Community

Of course, there are going to be plenty of great speakers but the most important participant for this year’s UOAA Virtual Symposium is you. By taking part in this event, you’ll be able to connect with a thriving ostomy community (or j-pouchers or any other type of continent diversion) and help us grow even stronger.

As we all know, living with an ostomy or other continent diversion isn’t always easy. It can be isolating. Sometimes even close friends and family don’t want to hear anything about it. There’s fear of the future and worry about existing relationships.

Many new ostomates want to hide it forever and hope no one ever finds out. But, through organizations like UOAA, they’ll find out they’re not alone and that life with an ostomy shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of, but rather that ostomies are life-savers and that you can join others in a celebration of being alive.

This year’s event is going to be awesome. Questions you were too afraid to ask will be answered. Questions you didn’t even know you had will be answered. You’ll get to connect with wonderful people while gaining inspiration and knowledge that could impact the rest of your life – and the lives of others.

As you can see this is not your typical webinar or Zoom call and the $35 ticket (plus $3.88 processing fee) and sponsor support of UOAA (a 501(c)(3) charity) help to offset the costs of hosting this special event.

All of this is leading to UOAA’s in-person National Conference in Houston in August of 2023. The connections you build during this year’s virtual event can open the door to even deeper friendships when we all get to meet each other face-to-face next year in Houston!

The UOAA 2022 Virtual Ostomy Symposium on Saturday, August 13th is going to be a great time and a great experience. And we need you there to make it even better.

To get all the information, learn more about the speakers, or find out how to get tickets, head to the event website.

Hollister is proud to support World Ostomy Day! In partnership with United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA), Hollister Incorporated is proud to stand with the entire ostomy community in celebration. Here are some ways you can learn something new, show your support, or connect with others in the global ostomy community.

Tune in to a Virtual Panel Discussion








Hollister has joined up with their sister brand based in Europe, Dansac, to bring you a virtual panel conversation with ostomates from around the world about their experiences and how they engage with the ostomy community. Tune in for a great conversation! Sign up for a reminder, and to submit a question for the Q&A.

Order Your Stoma Sticker

Stoma stickers are a great way to raise awareness, start a conversation, or show support. Order your free Stoma Stickers in time for World Ostomy Day, shipped anywhere in the US.

Share a photo or video of your Stoma Sticker on social media using #StomaSticker to be part of the conversation. Or show off your Stoma sticker while running the virtual Run for Resilience Ostomy 5K and share how you celebrated #WOD2021.

Share your #OstomateVoices and personalize your next Instagram or Facebook Stories with Hollister digital stickers. Search for them in the GIF library when creating an Instagram or Facebook Story and you’ll find a whole new collection.

Start Listening to #MyOstomy Podcast









Join Eve, Chris, Kelly, Ed, Gill, and Alice as they describe their challenges and breakthroughs with illness, symptom management, mental well-being, pregnancy, workplace conversations, and more in this limited run series. Each conversation helps to shine a light on the lived experience of illness, the positive impact stoma surgery can have, and the power of every person living with a stoma. Learn more

For more resources and interactive ways to get involved, visit


Editor’s note: This article is from Hollister Incorporated, Diamond Sponsor of the 2021 Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k. This event raises ostomy awareness and helps fund the services and programs of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

A research study about the benefits of perioperative self-management support for ostomates


Ostomates are not only dealing with intestinal concerns but are also at risk for a multitude of complications. Data shows that 38% of ostomy patients find themselves back in the emergency room or being admitted within the first 90 days post operatively [1]. This is one of the highest rates of readmission when compared to other types of surgery. The most common cause for re-admission is dehydration, at approximately 40% of post ileostomy readmissions [2]. We also know that 84% of ostomy patients develop skin issues. The causes of these can be chemical, mechanical, or microbial, and possibly avoidable. Ostomates also have significantly increased healthcare costs, especially when affected by peristomal skin complications, and leakage [2]. It is known that 25% of ostomates develop renal failure within two years. The complications these patients encounter require 7x more outpatient visits than the average patient. And 29.1% of ostomates experience readmission which costs approximately $16,000 per patient [1]. These statistics show that specialized care for these patients is imperative to improving patient outcomes in this patient population.

A recent study published by the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons shows how one company, 11 Health and Technologies, is utilizing a novel care approach to improve the quality of life and outcomes in this type of patient. The company developed alfred: SmartCare, a unique care model designed to meet the specialized need of ostomates. The program consists of a SmartBag and SmartWafer, mobile application, patient coaches (who were/are also ostomates, trained to support this type of patient) and the nursing team. The patient wears the SmartBag and SmartWafer, which submits data to the mobile application and clinical dashboard. The data is visible to the patient, their coach, the nursing team and the patient’s clinicians to be used to identify trends and abnormalities in the values. The patient can see how much output they have expressed and what the temperature is of their peristomal skin. These data points can help to curtail oncoming hydration issues or infections. When abnormalities are identified, the coach can work with the patient to provide education and can escalate issues to the nursing team for medical guidance.

In the study, the outcomes of 66 new ostomates from 19 different states were monitored for the first 30 post-operative days. The study showed that close monitoring of ostomy output volume as well as perioperative self-management support can significantly reduce the rate of hospital readmissions in the first 30 days after ostomy surgery.

Patients and healthcare providers should be open to the use of innovative programs that use remote monitoring along with telehealth, as they can be beneficial in improving the outcomes of patients in the immediate post-operative period.

To read the full study, visit the Diseases of the Colon & Rectum online at:

Editor’s note: This article is from one of our digital sponsors, 11 Health and Technologies. Sponsor support along with donations from readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

[1] Tyler, J. A., Fox, J.P., Dharmarajan, S., Silviera, M. L., Hunt, S. R., Wise, P. E., Mutch, M. G. (2014). Acute health care resource utilization for ileostomy patients is higher than expected. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum57(12), 1412-1420.

[2] Justiniano, C. F., Temple, L. K., Swanger, A. A., Xu, Z., Speranza, J. R., Cellini, C., Salloum, R. M., & Fleming, F. J. (2018). Readmissions With Dehydration After Ileostomy Creation: Rethinking Risk Factors. Diseases of the colon and rectum61(11), 1297–1305.

[3] Taneja, C., Netsch, D., Rolstad, B. S., Inglese, G., Eaves, D., Oster, G (2019). Risk and economic burden of peristomal skin complaints following ostomy surgery. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 46(2), 143-149.

[4] Fearn, Robert I. M.D., M.R.C.P.1,2; Gorgun, Emre M.D.3; Sapci, Ipek M.D.3; Mehta, Saahil N. M.D.2; Dinh, Binh B.S.2; Yowell, Quinn V. M.S.2; Eisenstein, Samuel M.D.4 (2020). Improved 30-Day Surgical Outcomes in Ostomates Using a Remote Monitoring and Care Management Program: An Observational Study. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: December 2020 – Volume 63 – Issue 12 – p e581-e586.

Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of Ostomy Awareness Day. In partnership with United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA), Hollister Incorporated is proud to stand with the entire ostomy community in celebration. Every ostomate has a voice worth hearing and we aim to embody ostomy confidence of our worldwide community with #OstomateVoices.

Spread Positivity and Share Your Voice

We’re connecting and empowering our worldwide ostomy community to share their own unique experiences—their challenges, their achievements and the joys of their daily lives. Share your words of encouragement that have helped you along your ostomy journey. Your story might help someone who might be struggling. Using your words, we’ll create a unique social card that you can share with your friends, family, and community. Share your voice here!

Join Us for a Virtual Cooking Class

Join us for a virtual cooking class on October 3rd with private chefs Ryan Van Voorhis, a fellow ostomate, and Seth Bradley of Nude Dude Food™, one of Chicago’s most sought after private dining and catering services. Register today to connect with others in the community and cook a delicious meal. Register today!

For more resources on nutrition with an ostomy, check out UOAA’s Food Chart or download the “Eating with an Ostomy” Nutrition Guide.

Show Off Your Stoma Sticker

Stoma stickers are a great way to raise awareness, start a conversation, or show support. Order your free Stoma Stickers in time for Ostomy Awareness Day, shipped anywhere in the US.

Share a photo or video of your Stoma Sticker on social media using #StomaSticker to be part of the conversation. Or show off your Stoma sticker while running in your virtual Run for Resilience Ostomy 5K and share how you celebrated #OstomyDay2020.

Share your #OstomateVoices and personalize your next Instagram or Facebook Stories with the Hollister “Ostomate Voices” digital stickers. It’s easy – search “Ostomate Voices” in the GIF library when creating a Story and you’ll find the whole collection, including a UOAA lifesaver and Stoma Sticker!

For more resources and interactive ways to get involved, visit

Editor’s Note: this blog post was provided by Hollister Inc. the exclusive Diamond Sponsor of UOAA’s annual Run for Resilience Ostomy 5K events that benefit UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.