By Cheryl Ory, UOAA President and Conference Chair

Attending UOAA’s 9th National Conference can be transforming for so many new ostomates. Knowing they are not alone can make a positive impact in their new world of living with an ostomy or continent diversion. It’s also a great way for previous attendees to reconnect to those they’ve met and found friendship with over the years while continuing to gain knowledge.

You’re invited to join us on August 14-16, 2025, for UOAA’s 9th National Conference at the lovely Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort in Orlando, Florida.

We know how important it is for the ostomy community to come together, share life experiences, learn valuable information from experts in the field, and talk to vendors about their products and services. Our attendees can also consult with a WOC Nurse, maybe for the first time in years. And let’s not forget the social events that are a must at every conference. Making time for you to network, laugh and enjoy each other’s company is also one of our goals, which this year includes celebrating UOAA’s 20th Anniversary of supporting the community!

A Program with Something for Everyone

Our 2025 conference educational program schedule will not only focus on the physical aspects of having an ostomy or continent diversion, but the emotional and mental health challenges that many may experience as well. We’ve lined up a number of inspirational speakers who will cover the psychological needs of an ostomate both pre and post-op; envisioning life with an ostomy; overcoming PTSD, and how new ostomates can find their way forward with an ostomy. Diet and nutrition, health, fitness and active living, sexuality and intimacy, body image and wardrobe tips will also be discussed by fellow ostomates and experts in the field. And these are just a few of the sessions that you can choose from throughout the conference!

On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning our Exhibit Hall will be open, a must for the entire ostomy community!

Kimberly Holiday Coleman ,left, will be back with a session on Body Image that will have everyone feeling good!

Our keynote speaker is a secret right now, but you won’t be disappointed when they appear on stage at our opening ceremony on Thursday morning. So make sure to join us as we come together to welcome the ostomy community to this unique event.

First-time attendees will be welcomed with an orientation session and surgery-specific basic sessions offered on Thursday. You’ll not only learn about your type of ostomy, but you’ll also have the opportunity to meet and chat with ‘ostomy buddies’, fellow ostomates who have attended before. They’ll be happy to show you the ropes to ensure you have the best conference experience. 

There will also be three special sessions designed for our Affiliated Support Group (ASG) Leaders as well as an educational track and open discussions addressing the needs of the younger population of ostomates in attendance. We are also offering 4 sessions for medical professionals, which will also be eligible for CE credits. And let’s not forget caregivers; where would our community be without them? On Friday morning they will have the opportunity to attend sessions with fellow caregivers, as well as a mental health professional who will discuss coping with the stress of being a caregiver.

You’ll not only learn about your type of ostomy, but you’ll also have the opportunity to meet and chat with ‘ostomy buddies’, fellow ostomates who have attended before.

On Thursday afternoon and Friday morning our Exhibit Hall will be open, a must for the entire ostomy community! We anticipate over 40 vendors will be there to visit with you and share any new products they are offering, services they provide, clothing and accessories available in today’s market, and much more. We’ll be serving a complimentary boxed lunch on Friday before the Exhibit Hall closes at 1pm for you to enjoy.

You can also schedule a 1-hour consultation with a WOC Nurse at our Free Stoma Clinic through our Mobile App. Appointments are available all day Thursday and Friday and Saturday morning (Clinic will close at Noon).

Speaking of our Mobile App, you’ll receive an email to download the App, sign into our unique event, and set up your profile about 2 weeks before the Conference. You can view the schedule and bios of our speakers, check out the exhibitors and where they are located in the Exhibit Hall, connect with “ostomy buddies” and network with fellow attendees, join a Focus Group with one of our Sponsors and more.

Fun Social Events

This year’s closing night event will have a Mad Hatter theme!

Explore Orlando and enjoy dinner out on Thursday night, and then stop by the President’s Reception to meet our co-founder, Ken Aukett, myself, our new President Elect, Bob Baker, as well as UOAA’s Staff and Board of Directors. Enjoy a yummy dessert and beverage as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary with a special toast that evening.

On Friday, before heading to dinner, you are invited to a special UOAA fundraising event, a “Hole in One Golf Putting Contest”. Enjoy a cold glass of lemonade, visit with new and old friends, and try your hand at putting! Who knows, you may get lucky and win the prize, all while raising money to help support UOAA’s programs and services. If you’re not up to going out on Friday night, we are also planning an indoor activity to be announced soon. 

As we wrap up the Conference, Saturday night will not disappoint with our “Mad Hatter Ball”. You’ll enjoy a few scrumptious treats and there will be a cash bar for cold drinks, as well as coffee and tea served. Think about wearing a themed costume or fun hat to the event, and dance the night away to the DJ we have lined up! What a great way to say goodbye to those you’ve just met, and to someone who may now be a forever friend. 

Make it a Vacation with Family or Friends

What a great opportunity to meet fellow ostomates in-person that you’ve only met online while you attend UOAA’s 9th National Conference. Stay a few days earlier or after the conference and enjoy what the Resort has to offer with family and/or friends.

The Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort is a family-friendly resort on a lake with water sports and features a fabulous lagoon style pool with a water slide, (I can picture myself lounging in one of those cabanas after all our hard work to put on this conference is done) A shuttle bus is available to area theme parks and it is within a 5-minute drive of Disney Springs™ and shopping. There are also 3 on-site restaurants as well as a grab and go market.

Golfers can enjoy proximity to two, 18-hole Jack Nicklaus-designed golf courses.

UOAA has made arrangements with the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort to provide the same Guest Room Rate, $149 per night plus taxes, for single through quadruple occupancy, starting on Tuesday, August 12th, through Monday, August 18th. Make a reservation at the special UOAA Link or call and Provide code “MB18” and the Resort Fee is waived for our group, a $49 per room per day savings!

Stay a few days earlier or after the conference and enjoy what the Resort has to offer…

Register Today!

Register by May 31st to attend at the ‘Early Bird’ rate, a $30 savings! You can also make your reservations at the Resort all in one place – We will continue to update this webpage, including our Program Schedule, as it continues to come together. Please note some of the information shared in this article is subject to change, so please visit the webpage often leading up to the Conference.

We hope to see you in August as we explore this Whole New World!

Ileostomates Andy and Sandee began their life adventures at a national ostomy conference 19 years ago.

By Ed Pfueller, UOAA Communications & Outreach Manager

When Andy Kyriacou stood up to ask a question of a panelist at the 2004 United Ostomy Association (UOA) Conference in Kentucky, he got more then just a good answer. He inadvertently found a new life partner.

The session was about dating and designed for single ostomates. Sandee Prechtel was on the panel and brought the perspective of dating again after losing her husband of 39 years. Andy, who became a widow losing his longtime wife the previous year, asked about her experience dating again after, now with an ostomy.

Andy and Sandee at the 2019 UOAA National Conference in Philadelphia. The couple met at a conference in 2004 and have not missed a conference since.

“Well, you kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince,” Sandee recalls saying. They remember it being a great panel discussion that encouraged the audience to be confident in themselves.

During the rest of the conference, the pair would run into each here and there and chat briefly before sessions. “She was very easy to talk to,” Andy remembers.

As is tradition at UOA and now UOAA conferences, the closing night party ended with dancing. Andy asked Sandee to dance, and a small spark kindled. They danced the last dance of the evening.

“I did not want the evening to end so asked her to go for a walk along the Ohio River,” Andy remembers. “We walked and talked from around midnight to 1-2 am.”

They talked about life goals, former spouses, aspirations, and soon realized they had much in common. “We found out we both had two adult children and were in longtime marriages,” Sandee says.

“Well, you kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince”

Andy was living in Connecticut and Sandee in Arizona so they exchanged emails and made tentative plans to attend the next conference the following year. Once they started emailing and talking on the phone, however, it became clear they’d want to see each other before the next conference.

“Sandee invited me to Tucson for New Years Eve, 2005 and I figured it would be either the longest or shortest few days, depending on how it went,” Andy remembers. Andy had a chance to meet her kids and it became clear their relationship would be more then just a friendship. “We planned future rendezvouses right after that,” Andy says.  The long-distance relationship was a fit for their mutual love of travel and in the next few years they met up in New Orleans, Virginia, Cleveland, Hartford and of course at the next UOA conference in 2005 in Anaheim.

When UOA annual conferences morphed into UOAA biennial conferences, they kept on attending to see each other and the many friends they have made over the years.

“It really is a life changing experience you can’t find anywhere else to be among that many ostomates and their partners. You have no idea who has an ostomy and who does not,” Sandee says“There is always something new to learn, we look forward to going to explore all the new cities and locations.”

Both are also active volunteers in their local ostomy support groups in Hartford and Tucson. Andy served as Vice President in his group, Sandee was President of her group. At the 2017 National Conference in Irvine, Sandee was awarded the Affiliated Support Group Leadership Award by UOAA for her exemplary service to her local ostomy community.

“I did not want the evening to end so asked her to go for a walk along the Ohio River”

She is particularly proud of the informal and well attended new ostomate monthly meeting her group has been hosting for many years. “The tips they receive are really important in their recovery,” Sandee says. If a new ostomate has questions or concerns about dating and relationships the couple is happy to share their personal story.

Sandee has since stepped back from an ASG leadership role but Andy is quick to point out, “She is the glue that holds everything together.” When Andy retired in 2007 the couple began to split their time between Connecticut and Arizona.

In 2012 knowing that Sandee loves heart shaped rings, they picked out a diamond ring and Andy got down one knee.  Though not married on paper, they are committed life partners. They continue to always be up for new adventures.

“We’ve never been to Houston, we’re really looking forward to it!” They both say about UOAA’s 8th National Conference this August. “And As long as we are physically able to, we plan to keep going to each one.”

It will be 19 years since that fateful connection in Kentucky. We’ll save the last dance for them again this year in Houston and ask Sandee if she thinks she has found that prince.

When first presented with having a “bag” I was terrified. I had a lot of questions…. How will I wear my clothes? Will I still be able to run or lift weights? Will I ever date again? How can I go to the beach? And so many more. I really was not familiar with this at all.

How UOAA Helps: Connie contacted UOAA before surgery earlier this year and is now on the path to health and happiness in life with an ostomy. Donate to help the next ostomate in need.

I did my fair share of googling, but there are so many conflicting pieces of information out there. I also joined some Facebook groups to find some support.  That proved to be very confusing and often quite discouraging. In February of 2023, a week before my surgery, I met with an ostomy nurse for the first time.  That is when it hit me.  She showed me a practice stoma, put my markings on, and had me look in a mirror with a bag.  I realized I needed more information in order to navigate this the best I can.

Finding UOAA

I came home and searched for ostomy support groups in my area and found one. I immediately connected with them, and they shared UOAA’s information with me. I then went on to their website to gain as much knowledge as possible. I went into surgery with a positive attitude because I knew my life would be so much better afterward.

The people I talked to at UOAA’s office were so helpful! They answered all my questions, and I had a lot!  They directed me to many resources like a New Patient Guide and sent me links to videos and other information which I still use. It is reassuring to know that I can reach out with questions and that they will be there for support.

UOAA has been a lifesaver for me. I was overwhelmed following my ostomy surgery. I am so excited that I am feeling better. I am so appreciative of the connections I have been able to make and the educational materials I have received by contacting UOAA.

On February 23, 2023, I had surgery for an end ileostomy, total colectomy, rectopexy, and hernia and bladder repair. After a lifetime of being a prisoner to my colon and GI tract, a ton of medications, and a ridiculous daily twelve-hour ritual that dictated my days, I finally was given hope to improve my quality of life. The day after surgery I already knew this was the right thing for me, and I somehow felt “free” of all the meds and issues I had before.

Helpful Free Resources

UOAA sent me a welcome packet in the mail with a ton of info about nutrition, living with an ostomy, exercise materials, you name it. The coolest thing was the card to use with TSA when I fly… that is going to be a lifesaver, I think! I had many questions about getting back to my normal activities, and I was sent links to Youtube and even Instagram of people that have ostomies and have resumed, or even surpassed, their pre-ostomy fitness routines.

My experience has definitely been better with my local ostomy group and with UOAA by my side.

A link to an occupational therapist was also helpful. I started following and connecting with many of these people, as I have found inspiration in them. I have since called UOAA several more times seeking answers to my questions, concerns, or even worries. Each time they have promptly responded and provided me with continued optimism as I begin this ostomy journey.

UOAA Helped Me Feel ‘Normal’ Again

I think that the biggest thing is that UOAA helped me to feel “normal” and that I am not alone in this.  Starting out with an ostomy is pretty scary, and there are a lot of unknowns. So much of what you read is negative from people that have had problems or are just very discouraged with their situations. UOAA shares the successes, the positives, and the education so that you can learn and grow each day knowing that you don’t have to give up anything at all.

For me, I plan to get back to my full fitness routine once I am fully recovered. I already feel healthier than I have for so many years.  But I know I still have a lot of learning to do… from appliances (I still can’t figure out the best ones for me), to the different types of foods to eat, to stoma care (I still always want to make sure everything is okay), to traveling, exercise, clothing, wraps, connecting with other people with ostomies, and maybe even dating again in my future. My experience has definitely been better with my local ostomy group and with UOAA by my side.

Grateful to Learn More at the National Conference this Summer

I’m also very thankful to have been awarded a CARES scholarship (FYI, current scholarships have been filled) to attend UOAA’s National Conference in Houston. This assistance will allow me to continue on my journey in a healthy and positive way.

As a single 57-year-old mom, I have three grown children (one still in graduate school), a new granddaughter, and two younger children I adopted, one with unique medical needs – it has not been easy. Last year’s hurricane, coupled with the astronomical surgery costs, have me struggling greatly on a teacher’s salary. I have worked really hard to provide for other people, and I’ve never really done for me.

This conference is something I feel is important for me as I want to be able to live my life to the fullest. I strive to be the best Nana, mom, and person I can be. I want to embrace my body, my life with an ostomy, and continually improve my quality of life.. It will allow me to move forward, make connections, gain much-needed knowledge, be an advocate for myself and others, and to stay OSTOMISTIC!” 

One day I can even envision myself advocating for others in the ostomy world, being active in the ostomy community, and I would love to get to the point where I can even be an inspiration to others.

Connie, you are already inspiring to those of us at UOAA.

Please Donate to UOAA to put other people like Connie on a successful path.  Support quality of life resources, education and advocacy for people living with an ostomy or continent diversion. United Ostomy Associations of America inc. (UOAA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible. Thank you!

Shared by Connie Pollina of Naples, Florida

Among the general public there is still a perception that people living with an “ostomy bag” or pouch are older seniors or at least middle-aged. Those searching on social media however will soon discover that younger people with an ostomy are not only  visible, but sharing and embracing “ostomy life” in a whole new way.

Allison Rosen and friends at the Waterwall Park close to the Royal Sonesta Houston Galleria, the site of the UOAA 2023 National Conference. 

Many young adults with an ostomy have never had the opportunity to meet another person they could truly relate to.

What if there was a place where online ostomy friends could meet in person, socialize, laugh, cry and just be together? Well, that place is UOAA’s National Conference August 10-12, 2023 in Houston, Texas.  

Attendees of all ages will get to experience a large ostomy product exhibit hall and sign-up to sample products and see a WOC nurse at the free stoma clinic. Former Miss Texas and current J-Poucher Magen Cherry will provide the keynote welcome. 

Ostomy experts will also speak and be on hand to answer surgery-specific questions for people with an ileostomy, colostomy, urostomy, j-pouch or continent diversion. Young adults, along with Caregivers, IBD Patients, LGBTQ+, and kids/parents will be offered even more specialized sessions and tracks.

Young Adult Track 

After its successful debut in Philadelphia, the Young Adult Track is back for this year’s conference! Designed for ostomates in an earlier stage of life, the track features topics like, dating and sexuality, body image, managing school/work, navigating parenthood, exercise, and staying active all while juggling ostomy care and other chronic health conditions. 

Sessions range from formal presentations and panel discussions to off-the-cuff conversations and opportunities to connect with fellow young ostomates. The Young Adult Track offers participants the opportunity to learn new things while forming friendships and bonds that extend well beyond the weekend of the conference.

”If you’re looking for peers in your age range who truly “get it,” look no further — we can’t wait to see you in Houston!” says co-organizer Molly Atwater-Pulisic (Molly Olly Ostomy). The young adult group typically meet informally after hours in the hotel lounge and go on city outings together as well.

You’ll want to stay at the Royal Sonesta Houston Galleria to not miss out and be close to all the action. A special UOAA group rate is available. 

The young adult track is awesome, because we make fast friends and are able to relax and talk openly and casually about personal, ostomy-related topics that are sometimes difficult to share with people in our usual daily lives. -Nate Hadlock

Local Houstonian and ostomy advocate Allison Rosen is helping to plan a Texas themed evening of line dancing, drinks and desserts. “I am looking forward to meeting virtual Ostomy friends in person for the first time! Meeting others who understand I know will be life changing!” Rosen says. 

Young Adult Track attendees will have a dedicated meeting room starting with a meet and greet on the morning of Thursday, August 10 ending with FAQs Saturday afternoon before the closing party. A special Friday night gathering just for the Young Adults is also being planned with track sponsor Hollister. 

If this all feels a bit overwhelming don’t worry you’ll be embraced with open arms. Unofficial social chair Alyssa Zeldenrust has made it her mission to greet and connect young ostomates since first attending the conference in 2011. In a testimonial video she shares why she keeps coming back. “All of us are on our second chance at life, so it’s extra special to all be together and it’s a very joyous atmosphere.”

She’ll also be speaking on Ostomy FAVE Things along with other conference veterans Chloe Moody and Nate Hadlock.

“I’ll be sharing tips, “tricks”, and experiences that have helped me through my medical journey. As many ostomates have done for me since my first conference in 2017, this year my goal is to help others feel welcome and have breakthroughs of their own,” Hadlock says.

Those active on social media may see some other familiar faces such as Kristen Furey, The Furey Fighter. “I’m excited to share my journey with Advocacy and what it has done for me in terms of growth and acceptance with an ostomy!” Furey says. “I am most looking forward to attending my first UOAA ostomy conference and being around so many other people who have similar health conditions and an ostomy! Knowing they have walked the same journey that I have and hearing from them firsthand their experiences with an ostomy!”

Speaking on Parenthood it will also be the first conference for Meghan Brown (@EMC_Brown)  “I am most looking forward to meeting longtime ostomy friends and experiencing my very first conference, as well as hearing some of my closest ostomy friends speak!”

“For my talk, I’m excited to share more about my experiences of pregnancy with an ostomy and what life looks like now with a very curious three year old and wild 20 month old. I’ll shed a little light into the funny but important conversations I’ve had with my three year old about my ostomy, and how we maintain an open dialogue around all things ostomy.”

Molly Atwater-Pulisic will be joined with Collin Jarvis in leading many of the other topic discussions. Check out the full conference schedule. Young Adults between the ages of 18-25 get the special price of $135.00 for all three days. 

Caregivers Track

Partners or caregivers of ostomates are also encouraged to attend UOAA’s National Conference this summer. Register and you’ll be welcomed for all the social events and food and drink opportunities and receive access to the informative Exhibit Hall.

Special sessions are also exclusive to caregivers on Friday August 11. 

The Caregivers Track that morning will feature a Caring for a Male Rap Session and a Caring for a Female Rap Session. 

An important session on Caregiver Stress – How to Cope will be available that morning a well. 

Pediatric Track

The youngest of ostomates and their parents/caregivers will also have a special track at the conference.. This day-long  program is held on Saturday and will be led by pediatric WOC Nurses and ostomy parents. 

Some session highlights include: 

Advice from an Ostomy Parent with Julie Hubbard

Dietary Considerations in GI/Ostomy Patient with Erika Kay, RDN, LD 9:15am to 10:30am Ask the Expert: Gastroenterology Care of the Pediatric IBD Patient with Dr. Allison Wyatt 

Ask the Expert: Surgical Management of the Pediatric IBD Patient with Dr. Rueben Rodriquez

Ostomy Complications and Pouching Techniques with WOC Nurse Maryanne Lewis

Ask the WOC Nurses with Barbara Richardson, Erika Guidry and Sharon Wallace

Exercise and Activities for Children with Ostomies with Tenille and Rebekka Smith

Children between the ages of 5-17 are just $25 and the one-day rate for parents is $125.00

Volunteers from around the country are working hard to create a life-changing experience for the young ostomate community. Register by May 31st to get the early bird discount. Please spread the word, invite a friend and discover your people this August in Houston. 


For people who have recently come to accept or are still struggling to manage one ostomy the news that they may need to have a second stoma and pouching system could be overwhelming. Please know you are not alone. Many people are able to thrive in life with two ostomies, or multiple diversions.

When UOAA hears from those with questions for a double ostomate we often refer them to ostomy community friend Jearlean Taylor.  Jearlean wanted to share some advice and invite all double ostomates to her talk and open discussion entitled “Life as a Double Ostomate” on August 12, 2023 as part of UOAA’s National Conference in Houston, Texas.

Sharing with the community of double ostomates is so refreshing and exciting. It is true “we are not alone”. We can live our life as a double ostomate with joy.

I am Jearlean from Baltimore, Maryland. I am a double ostomate, fashion model, author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and ostomy advocate.

My life has had some unexpected outcomes. I guess you can say “life” happened. At the tender age of 3 years old I developed a rare form of cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma). Because of the tumors I had to undergo ostomy surgery, which left me with two permanent ostomies (colostomy & urostomy).

If you or a child come to find you need a second ostomy my advice is to ADAPT. I had to learn to adapt. As I got older it was two major things for me to adapt; body and mind. When we hear two ostomies we get scared, but when we accept what we can’t change it says we are survivors. I adapted to new ways of taking care of my body (ostomies) and keeping my mind positive. Those still adapting to having two ostomies reflect how far you have come and where you are now. Celebrate each moment.

A Common question or statement I get is “you had your ostomies that long. How did you adapt?” The moment I learned to deal with my medical circumstance when my mom explained that I was not different from anyone else. I am beautiful with my bags. I can be, do, and follow my passions and dreams. I can live a full and vibrant life. It happened just as she said. Because of what she instilled in me, I BELIEVED IT.

When we hear two ostomies we get scared, but when we accept what we can’t change it says we are survivors.

Sharing with the community of double ostomates is so refreshing and exciting. It is true “we are not alone”. We can live our life as a double ostomate with joy. We are more than our ostomies.

I also try to give encouraging tips for dressing with an ostomy for comfort and peace of mind. Remember.

  • We are beautiful from the inside out
  • Work with your body type and comfort
  • Look for clothing that YOU like ,and what is comfortable for your ostomies
  • Shopping for clothing; take a family or friend along for support
  • Try on multiple items of clothing, even the clothing in your closet
  • Consider ostomy accessories (ostomy wraps, stealth belt, hernia belt, fitted tops, high waist undergarments, etc..)

We have the ability to make a difference and change lives even through our struggles. You may have an ostomy, dealing with chronic illness, feeling down and inadequate at times, but remember you are more than you have become.  Our situations, challenges, and unforeseen circumstances does not have to dictate who we are or who we can become. My purpose is to inform everyone that “life” happens to us all; good, bad, and indifferent. I want to show people even through our struggles, pain, disease, and even having ostomy we have a purpose in life.



You can find Jearlean online at and across social media. Meet her and a whole community of double ostomates at UOAA’s 8th National Conference August 10-12, 2023, In Houston Texas. 

By Robin Glover

Come one, come all to Houston, TX, for the 8th United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) National Conference!

From August 10-12, 2023, UOAA and the fourth largest city in the United States is opening its arms to welcome ostomates from all over the country for three full days of fun, learning, advocacy, and unity.

Houston is known as the Space City for its NASA connection but also more recently just H-Town for its culture and the “Big Heart” for its welcoming spirit of those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Houston is an ultra-diverse city with something to offer everyone, from world-class dining to high-end shopping to down-to-earth BBQ joints, and believe it or not, ice skating!

The best part? You can find all of that within a very short distance from The Royal Sonesta Galleria Hotel where the conference is being held.

Leave your worries behind and imagine a learning vacation where you can be surrounded by new ostomy friends who have been in your shoes. The only thing you’ll need to do is have an open mind and have some fun.

The Luxurious Royal Sonesta Hotel

There are lots of places to go in the Uptown area but The Royal Sonesta Galleria itself offers enough that you never even need to leave its luxurious ambiance. It has four restaurants, a coffee shop, a fitness center, an accessible swimming pool, a hot tub, and, if you do want to head somewhere, a free shuttle service to points of interest within 3 miles (ADA transportation available upon request.) You can bring your pet too!


Royal Sonesta Houston Galleria
2222 West Loop South
Houston, TX 77027
Hotel Reservations:
Room Block 2023 UOAA National Conference
Special UOAA Rate $143 plus taxes

What could be better than finishing a fun-filled day at the conference by hanging out with new friends and old acquaintances without having to go anywhere? Just gather around in the lobby area, sit together at a restaurant (enjoying a meal, a special drink, or just a glass of water), or hang out at the pool and talk the night away sharing stories and experiences with ostomates from all over the country.

You’ll want to stay through Saturday night and get some dancing boots to wrap up the event with music, desserts, and country line dancing lessons.

Click Here to get the UOAA Room Block Rate. As conference guests staying at the hotel, we’ll be the VIPs.

Explore Houston’s Famous Galleria Mall

A half-mile away, the 400-store Houston Galleria welcomes 30 million visitors a year and is home to Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Louboutin, and Tom Ford (and basically every other designer) boutiques, as well as an Apple Store, LEGO Store, Tesla showroom, a 2,000 square ft. children’s play area, and the TFTI | Interactive Selfie Museum (they charge admission).

There’s also an escape room, an awesome candy shop, jewelry stores, shoe stores, and a lot more. Plus, incredible local dining options from sushi, Indian food, French food, and steak to national favorites like Shake Shack and The Cheesecake Factory, along with tea shops, frozen yogurt, coffee shops, and juice shops.

Oh yeah, ice skating! The Galleria offers year-round, indoor ice skating (fee) for all ages and levels.

You could easily spend a couple of evenings after the conference sipping on some coffee, tea, juice, or your favorite hydration drink while roaming around The Galleria taking in the scenery, doing an escape room, gawking at the price of a designer belt, or possibly even some shopping.

Houston water wall and park near the Galleria Mall.

The Beautiful Gerald D. Hines Waterwall

If you’re not in the mood for the mall (or already went), you can take a quick evening stroll to Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park. This iconic Houston architectural landmark is beautifully lit at night and provides peace and serenity in the form of a 50-foot-tall sheet of cascading water. It’s really quite mesmerizing and is surrounded by a 3-acre park featuring green space and nearly 200 live oak trees.

Other Things to Do During the Weekend

Experience Global Cuisine
Houston is one of the nation’s most diverse cities and offers an authentic cultural experience from places all over the world and fusions like Viet-Cajun. Depending on your dietary restrictions, you can try traditional food and drinks (including non-alcoholic) from Ethiopia, India, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, West Africa, Vietnam, China, Japan, Afghanistan, Portugal, Nepal, Brazil, Central America, and, of course Texas all within 5 miles of the hotel.

See the World Series Champions
The Houston Astros will be playing the Los Angeles Angels at Minute Maid Park on August 10, 11, 12 and 13. The stadium is 15 minutes from The Royal Sonesta Hotel. Even if you’re not an Astros fan, it’s still a great ballpark and a great experience.

Watch a Tony-Award Winning Musical
The Motown-inspired Ain’t Too Proud: The Life and Times of the Temptations will be making a stop on its off-Broadway tour in Houston during the weekend of the conference. There will be nightly shows at the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts. Ain’t Too Proud won a 2019 Tony Award for Best Choreography. The theater is also 15 minutes from the hotel. (Uber is your friend.)

Be at the Center of It All at The Royal Sonesta Hotel

Houston is a wonderful and welcoming city with so much to offer. The list of things to do could go on forever. Consider bringing the entire family and add some extra days to your hotel stay to truly experience it. FYI, for those flying in the hotel is about an equal distance from either of Houston’s major airports.

Stay Saturday night for the Texas Theme night at the hotel complete with County Line Dancing lessons and more.

But, since the 2023 UOAA National Conference is going to include incredible speakers, Q&A’s, meet and greets, social gatherings, the chance to explore all the latest ostomy products, and the opportunity to connect with more fellow ostomates, j-pouchers, and people with all types of continent diversions than you’ve probably even seen in one place, these are just a few ideas very close to The Royal Sonesta Galleria Hotel.

Because, chances are, you’ll probably end up spending almost all of your time there enjoying a huge gathering of people who have been through the same experiences you have and understand like nobody else can.

The 8th UOAA National Conference in Houston is a life-changing opportunity to make lifelong friends and you won’t want to miss a second of it.


Robin Glover is a writer based in the Houston area. He has a permanent ostomy after being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2017.

By Robin Glover

Ostomy surgery is a life-changing event. As ostomates, we go through things other people will never have to experience. Everybody’s story is different, but we have all shared in many similar aspects of our journeys. We are a unique community of strong and courageous people of all ages and backgrounds.

To celebrate that, United Ostomy Associations of America is hosting the UOAA 2022 Virtual Ostomy Symposium on Saturday, August 13, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time (7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Pacific) including breaks.

This symposium will feature a mix of ostomates, j-pouchers, and medical professionals delivering a fun, engaging, and informative day of learning, laughing, and community-building.

Questions you were too afraid to ask will be answered. Questions you didn’t even know you had will be answered.

In all, 22 speakers will be bringing their expertise on a variety of ostomy-related subjects. (And don’t worry, each session will be recorded so if you can’t make it live that day or can’t see all of the ones you want, you’ll be able to watch them later.)

You can find the full list of speakers and the agenda here.

What to Expect

The virtual lobby will be open at 10:30 AM EDT before the speaker sessions begin to chat, troubleshoot any tech issues and explore the agenda. Ticket holders get an email with a unique link to the event. Attendees are encouraged to enter “lounges” organized by ostomy or continent diversion type (and one for caregivers) to chat or meet with others like you. These will be open for the entirety of the event for those who want to pop in and out during breaks.

Sponsor Booths will also be open throughout the event to give ticket holders the opportunity to talk with representatives of ostomy product manufacturers and suppliers ­– and learn about the latest product advancements. Thanks to all our symposium sponsors including Platinum Sponsor Convatec for helping to make this event possible.

The most important participant for this year’s UOAA Virtual Ostomy Symposium is you.

After opening remarks from UOAA leadership, the symposium will kick off on the Main Stage with Louie Green, a standup comic and recent ostomate. He’s going to share his poignant ostomy journey with a bit of welcoming wit.

Next on the Main Stage at 12:40 AM EDT, Joy Hooper’s Ostomy BUZZables presentation will present the newest innovations and ostomy products available on the market. If there’s something new in the ostomy world, you’ll hear about it here.

Educational Sessions 

Throughout the day, Educational Sessions will run concurrently between the Main Stage where you’ll get to hear from wonderful WOC nurses, experienced ostomates, amazing doctors and dedicated advocates.

Presentations will cover everything from sex and intimacy and traveling the world with an ostomy to nutrition and staying hydrated and dealing with hernias. Other session topics will focus on peristomal skin issues, aging in place with an ostomy, affiliated support groups, and secrets of the big four stoma types.

There will also be a special workshop for young adults. Inspiring ostomates Molly Atwater-Pulisic and Collin Jarvis will be co-hosting the conversation about physical activity, relationships, and mental health for ostomates ages 18-35.

Attendees will be able to submit questions for the speakers during the presentations and the speakers presentation materials will be available to access at you leisure.

After these educational sessions be sure not to miss Dr. Janice Beitz back on the Main Stage at 3:55 PM EDT for a presentation titled If You See a Toilet in Your Dreams, do NOT use it! Emotional Support, Quality of Life and Humor. It will look at the power of humor in dealing with emotional challenges while dispelling some myths and misconceptions about ostomies.

The event will come to a close with a special presentation from Magen Cherry, a j-poucher and winner of the 2007 Miss Texas USA competition. She uses her platform to share encouragement and bring hope to fellow ostomates and j-pouchers coming to terms with their new reality. Fun fact: Magen had a colonoscopy three days after being crowned Miss Texas USA!

Connecting with a Caring Community

Of course, there are going to be plenty of great speakers but the most important participant for this year’s UOAA Virtual Symposium is you. By taking part in this event, you’ll be able to connect with a thriving ostomy community (or j-pouchers or any other type of continent diversion) and help us grow even stronger.

As we all know, living with an ostomy or other continent diversion isn’t always easy. It can be isolating. Sometimes even close friends and family don’t want to hear anything about it. There’s fear of the future and worry about existing relationships.

Many new ostomates want to hide it forever and hope no one ever finds out. But, through organizations like UOAA, they’ll find out they’re not alone and that life with an ostomy shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of, but rather that ostomies are life-savers and that you can join others in a celebration of being alive.

This year’s event is going to be awesome. Questions you were too afraid to ask will be answered. Questions you didn’t even know you had will be answered. You’ll get to connect with wonderful people while gaining inspiration and knowledge that could impact the rest of your life – and the lives of others.

As you can see this is not your typical webinar or Zoom call and the $35 ticket (plus $3.88 processing fee) and sponsor support of UOAA (a 501(c)(3) charity) help to offset the costs of hosting this special event.

All of this is leading to UOAA’s in-person National Conference in Houston in August of 2023. The connections you build during this year’s virtual event can open the door to even deeper friendships when we all get to meet each other face-to-face next year in Houston!

The UOAA 2022 Virtual Ostomy Symposium on Saturday, August 13th is going to be a great time and a great experience. And we need you there to make it even better.

To get all the information, learn more about the speakers, or find out how to get tickets, head to the event website.

Editor’s note: UOAA’s National Conference was Aug. 6-10, 2019.

Hollister Incorporated is excited to be a part of the ostomy community event of the year. As a long-standing Platinum Sponsor of UOAA’s  National Conference, we have much in store for attendees at our educational sessions and exhibitor booth.

One of the most important elements of regaining and maintaining a healthy, comfortable lifestyle after ostomy surgery is about taking good care of the skin around the stoma. This year, we have introduced a variety of tools and resources to help you take your skin health into your own hands, like the Peristomal Skin Assessment Guide for Consumers and our interactive quiz uncovering facts about peristomal itching. You can get a sneak peek at our booth!

You also don’t have to figure things out on your own – we are here to help. Come meet the people behind Hollister Secure Start services, who can answer your questions and provide more information on the free personalized support that is available to you, regardless of the brand of products that you use.

Additionally, exclusive at the Hollister Booth #103, don’t forget to grab a copy of the ‘Special Edition’ Hollister Secure Start Services Newsletter featuring Danielle Gulden and Joe Teeters of Double Baggin’ It, who are hosting the Wednesday night Improv Comedy Show.
The week is packed with something for everyone so we hope you have fun and enjoy the conference.

See you in Philly!

By Elaine O’Rourke

As I yoga teacher I was fortunate that I had developed mind-body practices to really help with the emotional roller-coaster ride of getting my ostomy. I was 35 years old when I got my ileostomy due to Crohn’s disease. I opted to make it permanent after a year and then I made a full recovery and have felt amazing for the last 13 years.

While I was deathly ill and recovering from surgeries, the focused breathing practices helped me the most. I had complications from the surgeries so it took some time to really get back into the physical practice of the yoga poses. I had to be very mindful of any poses that stretched my scar sites. But gradually my body healed and I am able to do everything.

Luckily yoga has so much more to offer and there is something for every body. There are deep healing practices such as restorative, yin, breathing, mindfulness, meditation, mantra. The philosophy provides insights into being more aware of our thoughts and then in turn how they may be affecting our emotions and physical states.

Personally, I have gained so much insight and a much broader perspective on how to look at life. No one wants to get ill or have an ostomy but it has taught me first-hand how to be resilient, how much inner strength I have and to value my life and live it to the fullest.

I truly believe in the importance of moving the body (provided you are well enough) getting outside, breathing the fresh air, absorbing the sunlight or sitting under a shady tree is so good for us this time of year. Personally, I try and get up early in the summer months and go down the beach to walk, swim, do yoga and surf (being out early is best for my Irish skin). I also teach yoga on the beach which is a great experience.

It can be intimating to go to a yoga class and to find the right one. There is a wide variety of classes and styles. How you resonate with the teacher has a lot to do with the experience too. If you are brand new to yoga then I suggest starting with gentle, restorative or beginner yoga. If you don’t like a class or teacher then try other ones. It’s like shopping, not everything fits right and it’s the same with yoga. Do tell the instructor that you have an ostomy and you can educate them on what it is! Always empty your bag beforehand and don’t hesitate to go to the bathroom throughout the class if you feel it fill up. You want to create a comfortable environment for yourself. It doesn’t matter what other people think. If you have a hernia then make sure to wear your hernia belt and move cautiously.

I’ll be teaching Rise and Shine Yoga for Every Body at UOAA’s National Conference in Philadelphia this August. It will be a fun way to wake up and be part of this experience. Whether you are brand new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner I hope you will join me. I am a lighthearted teacher and I definitely don’t take the practice or teaching too seriously. In fact, if you can have a bit of a laugh while doing yoga then that is a bonus in my opinion!

I hope you enjoy the short yoga video of some standing poses.


Imagine if there was a place where over forty ostomy product manufacturers, accessory makers, distributors, lifestyle experts, and related support organizations could gather with ostomy patients from around the world? Well, UOAA’s 7th National Conference Exhibit Hall is that place, and everyone is invited. It will be open August 8 and 9, 2019 at the Philadelphia 201 Hotel in the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

People return to UOAA’s biennial national conferences not only because of the lifelong friendships, education, and social events but also because of the exhibit hall. It is a fun one-stop experience to ask questions about your favorite supplies or discover what is the latest and greatest in the world of ostomy care. Attendees have the chance to sign-up for sample products and talk one-on-one with representatives of all the major and specialty ostomy product manufacturers. Visitors often find the passionate owners and inventors of unique ostomy products on hand to introduce you to their products.


UOAA is proud to be able to provide this space for our community to gather.  The conference runs Aug. 6-10, but If you can only come to our conference for one day you’ll want to consider registering for the exhibit hall days Thursday and Friday. There is even a free box lunch Friday for all those registered attendees who enter the exhibit hall. You may want to consider staying longer, however, to take advantage of the free stoma clinic, expert educational session and surgery specific meet-ups. And don’t miss social events such as the Roaring 20s Casino Night and Music Thursday and the Saturday night fashion show, desserts, and dancing. Be sure to stop by UOAA’s table where you can sign an important petition for the Ostomy and Continent Diversion Patient Bill of Rights and learn about all the upcoming events such as Ostomy Awareness Day and the Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k.


Here is a list of all the businesses and organizations exhibiting this August. Like UOAA, they are dedicated to improving the quality of life of people living with an ostomy. 


11 Health and Technologies Inc. • 657-266-0570

11 Health helps people living with medical bags by combining peer-to-peer support with unique patented SmartBags that collect patient generated data for preventative care. 11 Health thinks and acts differently from all established medical bag companies because we see the patient as a patient – not an end user.

ASCRS – Colon/Rectal Surgeons • 847-290-9184

You are invited to visit the ASCRS Booth and receive information regarding services ASCRS can provide, including patient referrals and patient education brochures. The scope of colon and rectal surgery includes the small bowel, colon, rectum and anal areas.

Avadim Health, Inc. • 877-677-2723

Avadim Health Inc. is the Bionome Life Science company. Avadim’s flagship product Theraworx® Protect is a topical solution that supports the skin’s outer most layer, the stratum corneum, while remaining Non-Toxic and Safe.

B Braun Medical • 800-227-2862

B. Braun Medical Inc. develops, manufactures, and markets innovative medical products and offers ostomy products including Flexima® 3S two-piece appliance with a unique guiding system and a High Output System. The myosto™ resource offers ostomates the ability to request product samples and educational resources on the website. Visit and

Byram Healthcare • 800-227-2862

Byram is the leading service and solutions provider of disposable medical supplies delivered directly to the home while conveniently billing insurance plans. We provide convenience, affordability and choice™ to make a positive difference in the lives of the people we serve.

Calmoseptine, Inc. • 714-840-3405

Calmospetine® Ointment protects and helps heal skin irritations from moisture such as urinary and fecal incontinence. It is also effective for irritations from perspiration, wound drainage, fecal and vaginal fistulas and feeding tube site leakage. Calmoseptine® temporarily relieves discomfort and itching. Free samples at our booth!

Cancer Support Community

Cancer Support Community is a leader in cancer support, and is the largest cancer support organization in the world that provides 100% free services and programs for individuals and families impacted by cancer. The Community serves those with cancer, who have a family member or friend with cancer and who have lost a loved one to cancer.

Celebration Ostomy Support Belt • 413-539-7704

Our ostomy Celebration Belt systems are designed to protect your dignity while allowing you to lead an active life. Learn how to measure for a correct fit, get wear and care information, and order your belt with confidence.

Colo-Majic Enterprises • 866-611-6028

Colo-Majic® Flushable Liners are designed to be inserted into a two piece closed end pouch system to collect colostomy/ileostomy output. Liners will keep your pouch clean allowing for reuse and makes output disposal quick and easy.

Coloplast • 888-726-7872

Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their special needs. Our business includes ostomy care, interventional urology, continence care, wound & skin care.

ConvaTec • 800-422-8811

At ConvaTec, we exist to improve the lives of the people we touch and are committed to helping people living with an ostomy live the life they want with more confidence and freedom. Our me+ program gives you the support, insights and products you need. For more information, visit

Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation  888-694-8872

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is dedicated to finding cures for Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, and to improving the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases. The Foundation is at the forefront of research in inflammatory bowel diseases in addition to educating, supporting, and empowering patients and caregivers.

Edgepark • 800-321-0591

Edgepark is a leading provider of home-delivered, disposable medical products. We specialize in ostomy, wound care, urological, incontinence, diabetes and more, offer comprehensive insurance options and provide free nationwide delivery. To learn how we can help meet your supply needs, please call 800-321-0591 or visit

Friends of Ostomates Worldwide • 502-909-6669 •

Friends of Ostomates Worldwide-USA is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization that collects donated ostomy supplies from individuals and organizations in the United States and sends them and educational materials at no cost to ostomates in need around the world.

Girls With Guts •

The vision of Girls With Guts is to establish a national support network that assists women with IBD and/or ostomies in their search for community, acceptance, and empowerment. This rapidly growing sisterhood helps to ensure that no woman will ever feel isolated by her disease.

Hollister Incorporated • 888-740-8999

At Hollister Incorporated, we are dedicated to delivering the highest standard of quality in medical products and services, and each member of the Hollister team is committed to making a difference in the lives of people who use our products and services.

Hy-Tape Int. • 800-248-0101

Hy-Tape’s latex-free, waterproof, zinc oxide-based adhesive is soothing to delicate skin, and removes without compromising skin integrity. Our tape is perfect for extended ostomy wearing time, adhering securely so the end user can resume normal activities such as walking, exercising, bathing and swimming without worry of detachment.

KEM Enterprises, Inc. • 616-676-0213

KEM Enterprises, Inc. manufactures the Osto-EZ-Vent.® The Osto-EZ-Vent® is the unique venting device designed for any Ostomy pouch, which allows quick, discreet release of air pressure. Invented by an Ostomate, the OEV™ gives the wearer complete control and confidence to lead an active life. Medicare code A4366. Visit us at

Marlen Manufacturing • 216-292-7060

Since 1952, Marlen has been a leading innovator in ostomy care. Offering an extensive line of one-piece and two-piece systems for Ileostomies, Colostomies and Urostomies, Marlen has always strived to provide the highest quality products while meeting the comfort and security needs of our customers. Visit our website at

McKesson Patient Care Solutions • 855-404-6727

From doctor to doorstep, McKesson Patient Care Solutions provides healthcare that fits into your everyday life. With online support to answer all your questions, a team of customer service Reps to help you choose the right supplies, and fast, convenient shipping right to your door.

No You Cant’cer Foundation • 609-464-4647

The No You Cant’cer Foundation is a nonprofit organization working to dispel the negative stigmas surrounding ostomy bags and colorectal cancer while inspiring through song. By nationally distributing informational pamphlets and creating her awareness ribbon necklaces, cancer survivor and ostomate Melissa Marshall aims to help everyone say No You Cant’cer.

Nu-Hope Labs • 800-899-5017

Nu-Hope manufactures ostomy devices, accessories, belts, barriers and adhesives. We specialize in custom molded pouches and custom ostomy/hernia belts. Other highlights are our oval convex pouches, and stoma wafer hole cutters. Check out the Nu-Comfort belt and new for 2019, our moldable extended wear barrier. Don’t forget the Fun Run/Walk!

Oley Foundation • 518-262-5079

The Oley Foundation is a non-profit organization providing information and support to those sustaining themselves on home infused and/or tube fed nutrition. Outcome data demonstrates that those connected to Oley have better outcome: significantly higher quality of life, less reactive depression, and a lower incidence of catheter-related sepsis.

Ostomy Canada Society • 888-969-9698

Ostomy Canada Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to all people with an ostomy and their families, helping them to live life to the fullest through support, education, collaboration and advocacy.

Parthenon Co., Inc. • 800-453-8898

Family owned and operated for over 50 years. The Parthenon Company is a manufacturer and discount retailer specializing in ostomy supplies servicing customers throughout the United States.

Philadelphia Ostomy Association

The Philadelphia Ostomy Association was established in 1949 as the Colostomy Ileostomy Rehabilitation Association. As time went on and Urostomy surgery was developed, we changed our name to the Philadelphia Ostomy Association to support all types of ostomates.

Pouch Place • 865-531-1285

Nurse owned and managed ostomy care and supplies. For more than 27 years the Pouch Place has offered a complete selection of ostomy, wound care and incontinence supplies treating each patient’s needs with thoughtful and respectful care from two store front locations and an online store serving patients nationwide.

Pull-thru Network, Inc. • 309-262-0786

Pull-thru Network, Inc (PTN) is a volunteer-based non-profit organization dedicated to providing information, education, support and advocacy for families, children, teens and adults who are living with the challenges of congenital anorectal, colorectal, and/or urogenital disorders and any of the associated diagnoses.

Quality Life Association, Inc. • 662-801-5461

The Quality Life Association, Inc. (QLA) is a non-profit nationwide association aimed at meeting the special needs of the continent ostomate and to educate others on the latest advances in ostomy options.

Safe n Simple • 844-767-6334

Safe n simple is an innovator that develops and markets a full line of high quality, cost-effective ostomy accessory products. The patented Peri-Stoma Cleanser and Adhesive Remover wipes are their most popular product. Now offering Security Hernia/Ostomy Support Belts.

Sanitary Ostomy Systems, Inc. • 805-441-6708

Discover Our Exclusive Pouch-Emptying Systems For Use At Home And Everywhere Else. THE SOS KIT: Compresses pouch contents into a detachable, disposable collection bag. The perfect reusable solution for ostomates & caregivers. THE TRAVELER KIT: Empties your pouch anytime, anywhere – even in your car! Completely disposable, discreet and easy.

Schena Ostomy Technologies, Inc. • 239-263-9957

The revolutionary EZ-Clean Pouch system can be cleaned in less than 3 minutes. Water under pressure is dispersed via a manifold inside the pouch to provide thorough, hygenic cleansing of the pouch and stoma while sitting on the toilet. See details on how to normalize life with an ostomy online at:

Simply Beautiful • 304-771-1773

Wraps and Lingerie that empower women and preteens to feel more confident and reveal your true beauty while thriving with an ostomy.

Stealth Belt Inc. • 800-237-4491

A Stealth Belt is an ostomy support belt that is specially designed to hold an ostomy appliance securely and discreetly. A Stealth Belt may be worn 24/7 to provide comfort and give you privacy. Stealth Belt’s great design features include, light weight fabric, a zippered pouch compartment, and a range of adjustability for ease of sizing.

Stomagienics, Inc. • 225-939-1460

Stomagienics Inc., was created based on an extraordinary situation involving a family member who, after having ostomy surgery, solved a plaguing issue that occurs during the ostomy pouch replacement process. We use many of his original design principles to create a revolutionary new product that will change the lives of ostomates worldwide.

Surviving to Thriving • 978-281-6126

Are you struggling to live a fulfilling life with your ostomy? Elaine O’Rourke, creator of the “Surviving to Thriving: Overcoming Ostomy Challenges Program, has had an ostomy since 2005 and understands the struggles are real! Stop by to claim your gift, 3 Simple Ways to Eliminate Fears About Your Ostomy.

Takeda • 877-825-3327

Takeda is a global, values-based, R&D-driven biopharmaceutical leader headquartered in Japan, committed to bringing Better Health and a Brighter Future to patients by translating science into highly-innovative medicines. Takeda focuses its R&D efforts on four therapeutic areas: Oncology, Gastroenterology (GI), Neuroscience and Rare Diseases. We also make targeted R&D investments in Plasma-Derived Therapies and Vaccines.

Trio Ostomy Care USA • 863-421-9400

Trio Ostomy USA, has an over-riding commitment to patient care with improvements to quality of life being at the heart of our business. We ensure that our products reach healthcare providers at an affordable level, offering the benefits of the most advanced silicone technology for all.

United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) Inc. • 800-826-0826
United Ostomy Associations of America provides educational material, resources, support and advocacy for those who have or will have ostomy surgery, their family, caregivers and medical professionals. Stop by our booth to view our resources and show your support of the Ostomy and Continent Diversion Patient Bill of Rights by signing the online petition.

Youth Rally •
More than 30 years after inception, the Youth Rally continues to provide an environment for young people to meet others who live with conditions of the bowel and bladder. Lasting friendships are formed, in a short 5 nights, in an atmosphere that promotes self-confidence and independence.


Click Here to learn more and register for UOAA’s 7th National Conference Aug. 6-10, 2019 in Philadelphia, PA.