UOAA COVID-19 Position Statement
In consultation with United Ostomy Associations of America’s (UOAA) Medical Advisory Board, the fact that one has an ostomy should not make one at increased risk to develop COVID-19 nor cause one to be at increased risk for a reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine. The increased risks of developing COVID-19 is and can be related to the underlying disease that caused the need for an ostomy or the medications used to treat that underlying disease such as immune suppressing medications that might be used to treat inflammatory bowel diseases or rheumatologic diseases or cancer.
Based on current science, UOAA recommends that all persons get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. If a person has undergone any surgery, the person can have the vaccination when cleared by their surgeon. In that one can have a reaction to the vaccine that might include fever, it is best to avoid the immediate perioperative period as to not confuse the issue of fever with a complication of the surgical procedure.