UOAA recognizes that you may have a need for emergency supplies. Below are resources that may be of assistance to you on a temporary basis. UOAA does not have ostomy supplies in the national office.
Manufacturers Assistance Programs
Please call directly to ask for information and to apply for these programs.
ConvaTec or 800-422-8811
Hollister or 800-323-4060
Coloplast – Coloplast Patient Assistance (C.P.A.): 877-781-2656
Alternative Local Resources
Contact the following types of agencies in your area, and ask if they maintain a “Donation Closet”.
- Local hospitals
- Local Visiting Nurse associations
- Local clinics
- Local Goodwill Industries
Call your state’s 2-1-1 number. Just dial 211 as you would 911.
UOAA has Affiliated Support Groups who sometimes operate Donation or Supply Closets.
Kindred Box is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that distributes donated ostomy supplies to the uninsured and underinsured ostomates in America.
Supplies Available with S + H
Kinder’s Closet Ostomy Pantry can provide a short-term supply of ostomy supplies. To reach them email kinderscloset@yahoo.com or kinderscloset2020@gmail.com.
Osto Group www.ostogroup.org
To get assistance with supplies: Call 561-203-5886
NEW address: 351 Hiatt Drive, Suite 110, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
Ostomy 211: ostomysupplies.ostomy211.org Emergency supply pantry. Donation requested to help cover expenses.
Weston Florida Ostomy and Tubefeeding Group, Lynn Wolfson, ASG Leader – lewolf1815@aol.com or 954-562-7417. Offers supplies for the cost of shipping and handling.
Lower Cost Supply Options
The distributors listed below often sell supplies at lower prices, in some cases by not accepting insurance.
Best Buy Ostomy Supplies: 866-940-4555
Gilgal Medical Supplies, Inc.: 407-891-2120
lifeline Medical Supply
Medical Monks: 844-859-9400
Mercy Supply Collaborative: 888-637-2912
Ostomy4less: 877-678-6694; contact Patti or Tom at patti@ostomymcp.com
Parthenon Ostomy Supplies: 800-453-8898
Pete’s Medical: 720-988-0982; contact a Live Agent at info@petesmedical.com
Personally Delivered: 1-855-445-8609
Prism: 888-244-6421
Stomabags: 855-828-1444
Vitality Medical Supplies: 800-397-5899
Contact Us
United Ostomy Associations of America
P.O. Box 2293
Biddeford, ME 04005-2293
Call us toll-free at: 1-800-826-0826.
Our Information Line hours are Monday-Friday, 9am to 3pm EST. If you have an emergency, please dial 911 or contact your local medical professional.
Please understand that UOAA is a private, nonprofit, advocacy and informational organization. We are not a medical facility and we do not have medical or legal professionals on staff. Therefore, UOAA does not provide Medical, Mental Health, Insurance or Legal Advice. Visit UOAA Virtual Ostomy Clinic provided by The Wound Company for non-emergency, virtual ostomy support.
Get Involved
UOAA is the leading organization proactively advocating on behalf of the ostomy community. Recognizing that we are always stronger together, we encourage everyone to get involved by joining our Advocacy Network. We’ve also created several Advocacy Tools and Resources to help you successfully advocate on behalf of the ostomy community to ensure every ostomate receives quality care.