Who we are:
The Philadelphia Ostomy Association is a volunteer-based non-profit support group formerly known as CIRA (Colostomy Ileostomy Rehabilitation Association) and established in 1949 and dedicated to providing emotional support and reassurance to anyone who has or will have an intestinal or urinary diversion. Our group welcomes ostomates, family, friends and caregivers. We are made up of two support groups based in different physical locations. There are the Pennsylvania Hospital Ostomy & Continent Diversion Support Group, in Center City Philadelphia, and The Montgomery County Ostomy & Continent Diversion Support Group.
When & Where we meet:
The Philadelphia Ostomy Association meets on the second Sunday of the Month at Pennsylvania Hospital, 8th and Spruce Streets in Philadelphia (See Map) and has Hybrid meetings (In person and on ZOOM). From January to December.
Our Satellite Group the Montgomery County Ostomy & Continent Diversion Group meets the Second Tuesday of the month at Wissahickon Valley Free Library- Ambler Branch 209 Race Street, Ambler, PA 19002 (See Map). They meet on the second Tuesday in Person in the months of February, April, June, October and December, and on Zoom on the second Tuesday of the months of January, March, May, September and November.
If there is a rise in COVID-19, we will meet totally using Zoom Video Conferencing. If you are interested in attending one of our virtual meetings, please contact us at 267-231-4517 or send an email to ccphilaostomygroup@gmail.com
Please note: All members of the Philadelphia Ostomy Association and those looking to join are welcome to participate in any of our meetings.
How to request a visitor:
The visiting program offers one-to-one support by a trained certified visitor. Visits can be made in person to the hospital or home or via telephone to answer initial concerns of the new patient. A visitor serves as a positive role model for the new ostomate. For more information call 267-231-4517.
How to join:
Special membership offer if you are a new ostomate or first time member – we are offering a limited one time offer to help out new ostomates and continent diversionary surgeries (internal pouch surgeries) with a reduced rate membership. We are lowering our membership fees from $25.00 to $15.00. This is open to new ostomates and first time members only. Those who are renewing their membership please submit a check in the amount of $25.00. Call 267-231-4517 for information if you have any questions.
Print and mail the following information, along with a check for $25.00 made payable to the Philadelphia Ostomy Association, and send to:
Philadelphia Ostomy Association
P.O. Box 14343
Philadelphia, PA 19115
Please include the following:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Type of Ostomy:
Contact Us
United Ostomy Associations of America
P.O. Box 2293
Biddeford, ME 04005-2293
Call us toll-free at: 1-800-826-0826.
Our Information Line hours are Monday-Friday, 9am to 3pm EST. If you have an emergency, please dial 911 or contact your local medical professional.
Please understand that UOAA is a private, nonprofit, advocacy and informational organization. We are not a medical facility and we do not have medical or legal professionals on staff. Therefore, UOAA does not provide Medical, Mental Health, Insurance or Legal Advice. Visit UOAA Virtual Ostomy Clinic provided by The Wound Company for non-emergency, virtual ostomy support.
Get Involved
UOAA is the leading organization proactively advocating on behalf of the ostomy community. Recognizing that we are always stronger together, we encourage everyone to get involved by joining our Advocacy Network. We’ve also created several Advocacy Tools and Resources to help you successfully advocate on behalf of the ostomy community to ensure every ostomate receives quality care.