After 8-10 years of having inflammatory bowel disease, one may be an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) especially if there have been prolonged courses of severe inflammation in the colon and rectum and/or a family history of CRC.
It is recommended that IBD patients undergo a colonoscopy with biopsies to detect any indication of CRC as early as possible.
Adhering to medication protocols and keeping inflammation at bay is important to help preventcreating a temporary or permanent ostomy depending on the location and severity of the cancer. Please see the section Choosing the Right Treatment Options for more information.
Treatment for CRC may involve taking the surgical route andUltimately, following these practices allows the patient and their family to make the best decisions around medical and surgical care based on their doctors’ recommendations and personal preference/lifestyle.
Written by Tina Aswani Omprakash. Medically reviewed and validated by Jordan Axelrad, MD, MPH. These webpages are funded by a grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.